Ministry of ForestsGovernment of British Columbia

Coast Forest Region

Forest Region and DistrictsSearch the Coast Forest Region web siteContact Information for the Coast Forest Region

Research Program Mission: help provide innovative solutions to high priority forest management problems in British Columbia and to advance resource stewardship based on scientific principles.


Site Contents

Staff and Services


Coast Region Map




Precipitation Data







General Information

Ministry of Forests and Range


Forest's FTP site


BC Forest Maps


Regions / District Map



Campbell River




North Coast


North Island - Central Coast


Queen Charlotte Islands


South Island




Sunshine Coast


Other Links

Northern Interior Region Research Section


Southern Interior Research Section


Research Branch (Victoria)


FORREX - Forest Research & Extension Partnership


FRPA Resource Evaluation Program (FREP)



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Coast Region Research Section

The Coast (formerly Vancouver) Region of the B.C. Forest Service employs a core team of researchers to study all aspects of forest management in the region. Other regions in the province employ similar groups.

The Coast Region research team is a multi-disciplinary group of scientists engaged in applied research, training and consultation in support of district and regional forest service operations. The group covers a wide range of disciplines including forest ecology, wildlife habitat ecology, hydrology, soil science, geomorphology and silviculture systems.

The research and extension conducted by the research section helps provide the knowledge to ensure the use of appropriate forest management practices for long-term sustainable forest management. It directly supports long term Goal 1 of the Ministry, namely,

§                 Conserve and restore biodiversity of forests and grassland ecosystems;

§                 Ensure forest and range management maintains water quality and quantity; and

§                 Ensure forest and range management maintains soil quality and quantity.

The Coast Forest Region Research section is a member of the Forest Research Extension Partnership (FORREX) (formerly known as the Southern Interior Forest Research and Extension partnership). This cooperative organization was renamed to reflect its expansion to encompass the coastal area delineated by the Coast Forest Region boundary.

Funding for the research conducted by members of the group comes from a variety of sources. Research project funding is based on ministry base funding and the Forest Investment Account (FIA). FIA is a provincial government mechanism for promoting sustainable forest management in British Columbia. The Forest Science Program is one of seven areas of FIA investment and is administered by PricewaterhouseCoopers. Other funds partially or wholly external to the ministry e.g. South Moresby Forest Replacement Account (SMFRA) also provide funding for projects.


What's New?

Technical Reports:

March 2006:Silvicultural treatments for enhancing and recruiting Spotted owl habitat in British Columbia.

This report reviews how forest structure in BC provides habitat for the Spotted Owl and its primary prey. It also identifies opportunities to improve development of harvest systems and silvicultural treatments for developing habitat.

March 2006:Coastal Fan destabilization and forest management

This report provides information on fan destabilization and the appropriate forestry mangagement practices.

Extension Notes:

March 2006:Road construction and hauling in basaltic and granitic terrain: effects on sediment yield at Russell and Catherine Creeks, Tsitika River Watershed.

March 2006:Russell Creek: Summary of research and implications for Professional Practice.

Journal Articles:

Debris-flow Hazards and Related Phenomena.Chapter 23: Debris flows and debris avalanches in Clayoquot Sound.

This book systematically reviews significant and up-to-date knowledge of debris flows. Leading specialists from five continents, including Coast Forest Region Research staff, were invited to address aspects of debris-flow science ranging from classification to analysis, prediction and mitigation.

Streamline Vol. 9, No. 1 Fall 2005: Introduction to Salt dilution gauging for streamflow measurement Part IV: The mass balance (or dry injection) method.

Streamline Vol. 9, No. 1 Fall 2005: Turbidity and Suspended sediment as measures of water quality.


Coast Forest Region

Mailing Address:  2100 Labieux Road, Nanaimo, BC  V9T-6E9

Telephone: (250) 751-7001

Facsimile:  (250) 751-7101



Comments to: Denis Collins

This page last updated: April 27, 2006


