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Identified Wildlife Management Strategy 2004

· Accounts & Measures


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Wildlife Habitat Areas

· Status of Approved Wildlife Habitat Areas
· Wildlife Habitat Area Data Form
· Wildlife Biologist (Ecosystem Specialist)
IWMS Volume 1 (2001)

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Identified Wildlife Management Strategy

Wildlife Habitat Areas

Wildlife habitat areas (WHAs) are areas managed for selected species and plant communities that have been designated under the Forest Practices Code as "Identified Wildlife". For more information on Identified Wildlife or WHAs refer to the Identified Wildlife Management Strategy documents.

The status of a WHA can be obtained by choosing one of the following:

or SEARCH WHAs by WHA Number, Forest District, MoE Region or Species Name.

Information on Proposed WHAs can be obtained from the Forest Planning and Practices Regulations Section 7 Notices available from the Ministry of Environment FTP site and from the Ministry of Environment Regional Biologists.

Summary of Steps followed during the establishment of a wildlife habitat area (WHA):

Step 1. Site is proposed for designation as WHA. Anyone may propose a WHA by completing a WHA Data Form.

Step 2. Technical Review by MOE regional IWMS designate. Verify for: consistency with Accounts and Measures for Managing Identified Wildlife; verify land status; boundary changes as necessary.

Step 3. Review and comment. MOE regional designate coordinates review and comment of proposed WHA(s) with affected parties (tenure holders, government agencies, First Nations). Request for voluntary establishment of interim protection for candidate WHAs.

Step 4. Preparation of final WHA package (IWMS data coordinator).

Step 5. Review by Provincial WHA Technical Committee.

Step 6. Decision by MOE delegated decision maker whether to designate site as WHA.

Step 7. Notice of decision, impact tracking and warehousing of approved boundaries. All approved WHAs are published in the BC Gazette and a letter of notification sent to applicable parties.

For more details on these steps, refer to Procedures for Managing Identified WIldlife Version 2004.

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