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Forest Practices Code Homepage


  1. To view the on-line HTML format (if available) simply click on the title from the list below. 
  2. To download a guidebook for viewing locally, please go to instructions for downloading off-line versions
  3. To order a paper version
Bark Beetle Management  Oct 95 EXE 525 kb   ZIP 505 kb
Biodiversity  Sept 95 EXE 1,144 kb   ZIP 1,124 kb
Boundary Marking  Aug 95 EXE 27 kb   ZIP 7 kb
Channel Assessment Procedures  Dec 96 EXE 1,254 kb   ZIP 1,234 kb
Channel Assessment Procedure
Field Guidebook
Dec 96 EXE 2,953 kb   ZIP 2,933 kb
Community Watersheds     October 1996
Defoliator Management  Oct 95 EXE 1,427 kb   ZIP 1,407 kb
Dwarf Mistletoe Management  July 95 EXE 177 kb   ZIP 157 kb

Establishment to Free Growing
Fish-stream Crossing   PDF  March 2002 (2.05MB)
Fish-stream Identification (Second edition) Version 2.1  PDF  August 1998 (455Kb)
Forest Development Plan (Second edition)   PDF  Dec 2001 (1.21MB)
Forest Fertilization  Sept 95 EXE 163 kb   ZIP 143 kb
Forest Road Engineering  June 2002  PDF - Full Document, (7.22MB) 
Download in Chapters - PDF - Chapters 1 & 2, (2.06MB)  PDF - Chapter 3, (1.19MB)  PDF - Chapter 4 & 5, (1.38MB)
PDF - Chapter 6, (2.65MB)  PDF - Appendices, (916KB)
Example Plan/Profile Drawing (PDF), in Appendix 3 (441KB - Acrobat 4)
Example Plan/Profile Drawing (PDF), in Appendix 3 (419KB - Acrobat 5) 

Generic Forest Health Surveys Guidebook   Apr 2001 PDF 1,780 kb 
Green-up Second edition Jan 99 PDF 285 kb
Gully Asessment Procedure  PDF  Feb. 01 - Fourth Edition Version 4.1 (1,905Kb)
Hazard Assessment Keys for Evaluating Site Sensitivity
to Soil Degrading Processes
Identified Wildlife Management Strategy
Landscape Unit Planning Guide
Mapping and Assessing Terrain Stability  Aug 99 EXE 73 kb   ZIP 43 kb   PDF
Cover Letter (Sept. 99)
Management of Terminal Weevils in BC  Nov 96 EXE 294 kb   ZIP 274 kb
Pine Stem Rust Management  June 96 EXE 731 kb   ZIP 721 kb
Pruning  July 95 EXE 383 kb   ZIP 363 kb

Public Consultation  Sept 95 EXE 65 kb   ZIP 46 kb

Range Use Plan Guidebook  October 2000 Second Edition, {PDF} 602 kb  
Regional Lake Classification and Lakeshore Management
Riparian Management Area  Dec 95 EXE 981 kb   ZIP 961 kb
Root Disease Management  July 95 EXE 364 kb   ZIP 344 kb
Seed and Vegetative Material  Apr 95 EXE 701 kb   ZIP 681 kb
Silviculture Prescription   February 2000 PDF 415 kb   ZIP 147 kb

Silviculture Surveys  Dec 95 edition has been superseded by the:
Stocking and Free Growing Surveys Procedures Manual May 2002
Silviculture Manual The Stocking and Free Growing Surveys Procedures Manual (March 30, 2001) has been updated. The May 2002 Procedures Manual is now part of the on-line manual.

Silvicultural Systems  Apr 95 EXE 348 kb   ZIP 328 kb
Soil Conservation   May 2001 PDF 401 kb
Soil Conservation Surveys   May 2001 PDF 1,797 kb
Soil Rehabilitation  Mar 97 EXE 378 kb   ZIP 358 kb
Stand Management Prescription  Mar 99 EXE 2876 kb   ZIP 2846 kb   PDF

Trail and Recreation Facility  Sept 95 EXE 111 kb   ZIP 91 kb

Tree Wounding and Decay  Feb 97 EXE 42 kb   ZIP 22 kb
Visual Impact Assessment   January 2001 PDF Part 1, 306 kb PDF Part 2, 1,020 kb PDF Part 3, 1,138 kb
Watershed Assessment Procedure Guidebook   PDF  Apr. 99 - Second Edition Version 2.1 (445Kb)


Updated June 2002