Ministry of ForestsGovernment of British Columbia
North Coast Forest District
Forest Region and DistrictsSearch the North Coast Forest District web siteContact Information for the North Coast Forest District
Major Licensee Zone

The North Coast Forest District has an Allowable Annual Allowable Cut (AAC) of 546,524 m3.  The district AAC is divided into 5 Forest Licences (FL). The 5 Forest Licensees are:  

British Columbia Timber Sales - AAC  150,126 m3

International Forest Products - AAC  205,715 m3

Triumph Timber Ltd -  AAC  139,231 m3

Boyle and Dean Logging -  AAC  19,295 m3  

Thomson Industries -  AAC  29,385 m3

The remaining AAC of 2,872 m3 is apportioned to Forest Service Reserve.

In addition Western Forest Products has a portion of their Tree Farm Licence 25 in the North Coast covered under Block 5.  

An additional non AAC contributing tenure is the Lax Kw'alaams Non-Replaceable Forest Licence with a harvest rate of 22,000 m3/year

The rugged terrain along the North Coast makes for difficult and very expensive road construction. Harvesting operations are done by hand felling trees and extracting them with the use of  helicopters or cable yarding systems.  The timber is then unloaded into the ocean where it is towed or loaded on to log barges and transported to the Licensee's wood processing facility.

These operating areas are often isolated, creating a transportation challenge to the Forest Service staff in charge of monitoring the "Forest Practices Code of British Columbia Act".  All travel in the North Coast is done by float plane, helicopter or by water using the Forest Service's boat the Coast Ranger.
For more information call 250-624-7460.

