Ministry of ForestsGovernment of British Columbia
North Coast Forest District
Forest Region and DistrictsSearch the North Coast Forest District web siteContact Information for the North Coast Forest District
Other useful links

North Coast Forest District Documents

North Coast Forest District Timber Supply Report

Links to Communities within the North Coast Forest District

City of Prince Rupert
Toursim Prince Rupert
Prince Rupert Daily News
City of Port Edward
North Pacific Historic Fishing Village and Museum
Skeena-Queen Charlotte Regional District

General Information

Vancouver Forest Region Homepage
B.C. Forest Practices Code
B.C. Forest and Range Practices Act
LUCO- (Land Use Coordination Office) - agency  for government land-use planning
Canadian Forest Service
Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection
Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management
Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries
Terrestrial Information Branch
Digital Data Sales and Map Products site.

Forest Education Sites

Tree Book
Common Tree Diseases of British Columbia - brought to you by
the Pacific Forestry Centre
B.C. Ministry of Forests  facts sheets information about Biogeoclimatic zones of BC, Coastal Temperate Rainforest, Grizzly Bear Management & Conservation, First Nations Involement in Forest Management, and other useful facts
Forest Harvesting: Following Nature's Lead
(Full Graphics | Text Only)

Other Useful  Information

Environment Canada’s Weather Page
Find out about Magnetic Declination, and use their Calculator to find a value for your part of the world.
B.C. Archives Homepage provides useful historical information
MoF Contacts
Canada Postal Service

Travel Links

B.C. Ferries Homepage
VIA  Rail
Alaska Marine Highway (Ferry System)
Ministry of Transportation and Highways
