Ministry of ForestsGovernment of British Columbia
Kalum Forest District
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Small Scale Salvage Program

Small scale salvage refers to the harvesting of minor volumes of timber that are:
- In danger of being lost or destroyed or that otherwise should be harvested to reduce the spread of forest pests. Generally, the timber has been killed or damaged by insects, disease, wind, snow-press, fire, or has recently been infested by insects; and,
- Used for special forest products generally manufactured from dead cedar or spruce trees.

Priorities for salvage under this program are:
- Trees attacked by insects or disease (e.g. bark beetles, root rot), where there is potential for the spread of infestation;
- Blowdown or other damaged trees which may be susceptible to insect attack; and,
- Salvage of other damaged timber.
It is recognized that salvage logging should not lead to complete sanitation of forest stands and therefore a certain amount of dead standing timber (e.g. wildlife trees) and downed timber should be maintained to contribute to wildlife habitat, stream stability, biological diversity, and soil-building processes.
All requirements of the Forest Practices Code and various resource management plans must be complied with.

Opportunities for Small Scale Salvage:
The Kalum Forest District provides opportunities for salvage of smaller volumes of wood through the direct award Small Scale Salvage Program.
Larger volumes of wood are sold through a competitive sealed tender process. Contact BC Timber Sales if you are interested in bidding on one of these sales.

For More Information Contact:
Brent May
Field Operations Supervisor - Tenures Section
Phone (250) 638-5118

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