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Use this distance calculator to calculate an approximate distance and travel time between any origin and any destination provided in the dropdown lists. The route that was used in the distance and travel time calculations is also provided. Simply select an origin and a destination then click on the "Calculate" button.


Using the Calculator

  • The route description consists of a string of highway numbers separated by commas. Routes in the Yukon, Alberta and United States have the letters YK, AB and US respectively in front of the route number.
  • Distances include distance by ferry where applicable.
  • Travel times:
    • Assume travel at the posted speed
    • Assume a 30 minute wait at coastal ferry terminals
    • Include travel time on inland and coastal ferries where applicable
    • Include delay at signalized intersections
  • Factors such as congestion, inclement weather, and highway construction will reduce speed and increase travel time.
  • FAQ's

  • Map of B.C.

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