Ministry of ForestsGovernment of British Columbia
Kootenay Lake Forest District
Forest Region and DistrictsSearch the Kootenay Lake Forest District web siteContact Information for the Kootenay Lake Forest District


Technical Information for Forest Health in the Kootenay Lake Forest District 

Forest Health Strategy - 2005

Beetle maps - ftp site to 1:20,000 maps for current beetle infestation in the Kootenay Lake Forest District.

Canadian Forest Service Mountain Pine Beetle group - geared for foresters and land managers. Definitely fairly technical. Good information on decision tools, management strategies etc.

Ministry of Forests Mountain pine beetles in British Columbia - Fairly technical information, including press releases, and aerial overview surveys.

Ministry of Forests - Research Branch - shows the projection of the current mountain pine beetle outbreak across the province.

Nelson forested slopes from Pulpit Rock

Nelson BC forested slopes seen from Pulpit Rock July 1997      Nelson BC forested slopes seen from Pulpit Rock July 1997

July 1997                                                               July 2006
