Decked Timber

File #:  21550-02


1.                  Purpose

To provide procedures for administration of timber harvested under an agreement  and not scaled within four weeks of cutting if active harvesting ends, or is suspended.

2.                  Scope of Application

These procedures apply to all holders of an agreement for all timber cut in the Quesnel Forest District.

3.                  Definitions within the context of this procedure

3.1              Timber not scaled as soon as possible: For the purpose of Section 2 of the Scaling Regulation; timber not scaled as soon as possible refers to  timber not scaled within four weeks of its cutting, when active harvesting has ended or is suspended, and it is possible to scale the timber.

3.2              Field Scale: Is a species, grade, and volume estimate of decked timber made by an authorized official scaler, completed under authority of Section 3(1) of the Scaling Regulation.

3.3              Decks, Decked or Decking: Timber cut and not scaled within four weeks of being cut, and active harvesting ends or is suspended.  Includes timber felled and not skidded or processed.

3.4              An Agreement: Means an agreement in the form of a license, permit, or agreement referred to in Section 12 of the Forest Act that provides for ownership and payment of stumpage on the timber.

3.5              Notification of Decked Timber:  Means a written or email notification by the holder of an agreement to the Ministry of Forests and Range, of timber not scaled within four weeks of cutting, and harvesting ends or is suspended.. 

4.0       Responsibility and Procedures

4.1       Decking Notifications

·        The holder of an agreement must submit a notification of decked timber within one (1) month to the Ministry of Forests and Range Scaling section, cc to Compliance and Enforcement, if active harvesting ends, or is suspended.

·        Notification may be made on a commencement notice if the licensee knows timber will be decked.  The commencement notice must be forwarded to the Quesnel Forest District Scaling section, as well as Compliance and Enforcement.

·        Notification of Decked Timber must include:

o       Date timber was cut.

o       Forest Licence, timber mark(s) and block number(s).

o       Approximate volume or percentage of block cut if no hauling on block has occurred.

o       Geographic location of decked timber - road and kilometre(s).

o       Estimated date of transport.

o       Reason for decking.

·        The holder of an agreement must notify the Quesnel Forest District Scaling Supervisor in writing or by email when hauling of decked wood commences, and is complete.

·        Decked timber on an expired harvesting authority may be invoiced under Waste and Residue procedures.  A holder of an agreement is responsible for informing the Ministry of Forests and Range if decked wood is invoiced under waste and residue billing, in addition to a field scale invoice.

·        Decking of timber outside the area to which the cutting authority applies will require the prior approval of the district manager.

·        If the Ministry of Forests and Range feels timber may not have been scaled as soon as possible, as per Section 2 of the Scaling Regulation, ministry staff will consult with the holder of an agreement.  If the holder of an agreement disagrees that the timber has not been scaled as soon as possible, they are required to submit written reason(s) why the decked timber has not or cannot be transported and scaled.  A written order to field scale decked timber may be issued by the Ministry of Forest and Range, under the authority of Section 3 of the Scaling Regulation.

4.2     Field Scale Submission Requirements

If the Ministry of Forests and Range issues a written order to a holder of an agreement to conduct and submit a field scale, the submission must include:

·        Date timber was cut.

·        Forest Licence, timber mark(s) and block number(s).

·        Maps indicating in-block roads and landings, location of decks;

·        Unique deck identifier for each group of deck(s) (must be one timber mark).

·        Volume, species and grade for each deck identifier; submitted on a FS700, Volume Estimate (Field).

·        Proposed date decks will be scaled and designated scale site(s).

The holder of an agreement is responsible to inform the Ministry of Forests and Range when  transport of decked timber is complete.

These procedures do not apply to cruise-based cutting authorities.  Timber from cruise-based cutting authorities may be decked indefinitely without notification.


Authority:     Sections 94 and 100 of the Forest Act, the Scaling Regulation, and the Scaling Manual.


Gerry Grant, R.P.F.
District Manager
Quesnel Forest District