Ministry of ForestsGovernment of British Columbia
Skeena Stikine Forest District
Forest Region and DistrictsSearch the Skeena Stikine Forest District web siteContact Information for the Skeena Stikine Forest District
Compliance & Enforcement

The Compliance and Enforcement Program is responsible to protect the public's interest in the management of B.C.'s forests and the generation of revenue by;


Enforcing environmental standards under legislation for forest and range management carried out both by the government and by forest and range tenure holders.


Enforcing the revenue policies that govern removal and transportation of timber, marking, scaling, marine log salvage, etc.


Combating "forest crimes" (theft, arson, mischief) which are a significant drain on provincial revenue and a significant risk to other environmental, social and economic values.


Enforcing regulations to minimize fire, pests and unauthorized activities that threatened the province's forest and range resources.


Enforcing rules governing the use of Forest Service recreation sites and trails.


Information Pamphlets:

The district has developed two pamphlets for field use. These pamphlets are intended for;


BCTS clients who are subject to compliance with the Forest Practices Code

view and download pamphlet


Small Scale Salvage clients who are subject to the Forest and Range Practices Act.

view and download pamphlet v-2005-11-15


commencement notices became mandatory for harvesting and road construction

Submit a notice to commence

Observe, Record, Report

If you think you have witnessed a forest-related crime.



© 2006 Skeena Stikine Forest District June 01, 2006 08:49:52
