Ministry of ForestsGovernment of British Columbia
Skeena Stikine Forest District
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State of the Forest Report
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
  Biodiversity Indicators:


Ecosystem Representation

Core Ecosystems

Seral Stage Distribution

Landscape Connectivity

Patch Size Distribution

Retention of Habitat for Endangered Plant and Animal Life

Stand Structure

Species Composition

Chapter 3
Wildlife Habitat
Wildlife Habitat Indicators:


Adherence to Forest Management Objectives for Five Key Wildlife Species

Chapter 4
Watershed Integrity
Watershed Integrity Indicators:


Terrain Stability/Sediment Transport Capability Mapping

Overview Watershed Assessments and Reassessments

Watershed Restoration

Co-ordinated Water Quality Monitoring

Chapter 5
Timber Management
Timber Management Indicators:


Prompt Reforestation of Disturbed Areas

Maintenance of Forest Health

Sustained Flow of Timber to Local Mills

Harvesting the Full Timber Quality

Chapter 6
Visual Quality
Visual Quality:

Visual Quality of Timber Harvesting 

Chapter 7
Cultural Heritage Resources
Cultural Heritage:

Management of Cultural Heritage Resource Features

Chapter 8
Access Indicators:


Access to Facilitate Natural Resource Management/Extraction

Recreational Access, Focusing on Backcountry or Wilderness Experiences

Wilderness Lakes

Circle Routes

Access Development in Sensitive Terrain

Areas Designated as per a Recreational Access Management Plan

Strategic Use of Access Control to Minimize Human Impact on Fish, Wildlife, and Other Environmental Values

Maintaining Road Access to Existing Recreational Site and Trails

Chapter 9

Use of Existing Grazing Tenure Area

Chapter 10



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