Ministry of ForestsGovernment of British Columbia
Skeena Stikine Forest District
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Recreation Strategy

Starting in the fall of 1999, the Bulkley-Cassiar Forest District began a strategic review of outdoor recreation activity on crown lands in the Bulkley portion of the Forest District. The purpose of the review is to establish a long-range community vision for forest recreation in the area and to develop strategies to implement that vision.

This document presents a number of possible community vision statements for outdoor recreation in the Bulkley TSA as well as a series of possible strategies to implement this vision. Agency, licensee and public review is now needed to evaluate and revise study materials to ensure the forthcoming Strategic Recreation Plan will best meet the needs of all concerned.


Executive Summary | Strategic Recreation Study

Recreation Strategy Maps

Trails - Aging Population | Summer | Winter | Backpacking

Restrictive Strategies

Lake Access Classes

Travel Times

Winter Recreation Opportunity Spectrum


© 2006 Skeena Stikine Forest District June 02, 2006 15:25:47
