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Reports and Publications

Since its establishment in August 2001, the Premier's Technology Council has released six reports making recommendations to government.

The first report was published on November 22, 2001. It identified strategies to bridge the digital divide and make British Columbia recognized as the best place to live, learn, work and prosper.
The second report was released on April 2, 2002. It lists 45 recommendations for improving broadband infrastructure, increasing public access to the Internet, developing high tech industry and marketing British Columbia.
The council's third report was released on September 23, 2002. It focuses on government IT procurement, e-health and venture capital.
The council's fourth report was released on March 27, 2003. It outlines priorities government should address in the coming year. In addition, the report begins to address strategies for developing key industry clusters including alternative energy, new media and wireless. The report also discusses online learning and it recognizes service awards in the public sector.
The fifth report was released on January 12, 2004. It contains 17 recommendations on capital and investment, e-learning and employment standards for high-tech companies. The report also provides an update on the fuel cell strategy and emerging technologies initiative.
The sixth report was released on July 28, 2004. It reports results from regional consultations and e-Learning Roundtable held between February and April 2004. It contains 14 recommendations on the digital divide, e-learning, e-health, alternative energy and investment and capital.
The seventh report was released on April 18, 2005. It contains 15 recommendations on e-health, capital and investment, human resources, power technology and new media.


Special Report - A Vision for Growing a World-Class Power Technology Cluster in a Sustainable British Columbia. 

This report, commissioned by the Council, outlines the vision and strategy that will make British Columbia a world leading provider of smart power solutions. It identifies five key areas where B.C. can take a leadership role that will result in significant economic opportunities and job creations.

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Past Events Material
E-learning Roundtable

8th Report
7th Report
6th Report
5th Report
4th Report
3rd Report
2nd Report
1st Report

Special Report
A Vision for Growing a World-Class Power Technology Cluster in a Sustainable British Columbia

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