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(Protecting Children)

Protecting Children


Preventing abuse of children and youth

picture of Boy with DogThe Child, Family and Community Service Act is the legislative authority for the ministry's Child Protection Services. Under the Act, the Minister designates the Director of Child Protection, who in turn delegates the provision of child protection services across the province to child protection social workers.

The Act requires that anyone who has reason to believe that a child may be abused, neglected, or is for any other reason in need of protection, must report it to the Director or a delegated social worker. These reports are investigated by social workers, who take the most appropriate action that is least disruptive for the child. These actions may include:

  • providing or arranging the provision of support services to the family
  • supervising the child's care in the home, or
  • protecting the child through removal from the family and placement with relatives, a foster family or specialized residential resources.

Social workers also have the delegated authority of the Director to approve foster homes for children who come into the care of the ministry. Resources such as group homes, specialized residential facilities, assessment resources, and respite resources are developed to serve children and youth in care.

Child protection services across the province are provided through 429 ministry offices in 5 regions and a number of delegated Aboriginal agencies. The child protection staff are supported by the provincial office of the Child Protection Division.


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