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This page provides links to the Web sites of other organizations involved in administrative justice law reform.

The AJO works to generate thoughtful consideration and debate about administrative justice processes and possibilities for reform, to ensure that BC's administrative justice system provides the best possible service to the people who use and rely on it.

Over 25 administrative tribunals and other entities make up British Columbia's administrative justice system. Administrative tribunals enhance access to justice in BC by providing an effective alternative to the courts to resolve disputes fairly, at less cost, and by providing access to their processes in less time than the courts. Administrative Tribunals resolve issues in a wide range of matters, many involving specialized knowledge and expertise, such as human rights, the environment and public safety.

The links on this Web page, along with all the other information on this Web site, are intended to assist individuals who are interested in BC's administrative justice system, including members of the public who look to the administrative justice system for decisions and dispute resolution, BC's independent administrative tribunals, the ministries that work with and fund BC's administrative tribunals and the lawyers both within government and in private practice who appear before administrative tribunals.

The AJO is always interested in hearing from or about other agencies interested in administrative justice reform and appreciates being advised of their Web sites and reform related work. The AJO can be contacted at Contact Information.

Links are listed below, first by Organization and Alphabetically.

Links listed by Organization

British Columbia Government

Ministry of Attorney General

Board Resourcing and Development Office
Crown Agencies Secretariat

British Columbia Administrative Tribunals
(and other entities within BC's Administrative Justice Sector)

Board of Parole for the Province of British Columbia
British Columbia Farm Industry Review Board
British Columbia Coroners Service
British Columbia Review Board
British Columbia Securities Commission
British Columbia Utilities Commission
Building Code Appeal Board
Community Care and Assisted Living Appeal Board
Employment and Assistance Appeal Tribunal
Employment Standards Tribunal
Environmental Appeal Board
Financial Institutions Commission of BC
Financial Services Tribunal

Forest Appeals Commission
Forest Practices Board
Hospital Appeal Board
Human Rights Tribunal
Labour Relations Board
Mediation and Arbitration Board
Medical Services Commission
Mental Health Review Panels
Office of the Fire Commissioner
Passenger Transportation Board
Private Post Secondary Education Commission
Property Assessment Appeal Board
Property Assessment Review Panels
Provincial Agricultural Land Commission
Residential Tenancy Office
Safety Standards Appeal Board
Workers' Compensation Appeal Tribunal

British Columbia Officers of the Legislature

Chief Electoral Officer
Office of the Auditor General
Office of the Conflict of Interest Commissioner
Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner
Office of the Merit Commissioner
Office of the Police Complaints Commissioner

Other British Columbia Links of Interest

BC Supreme Court Self-Help Information Centre
British Columbia Council of Administrative Tribunals
British Columbia Law Institute
Canadian Bar Association (British Columbia)
Courts of British Columbia
Justice Institute of British Columbia

Administrative Justice Organizations/Research
and Reform Agencies


British Columbia Council of Administrative Tribunals
Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice
Council of Canadian Administrative Tribunals
Society of Ontario Adjudicators and Regulators
Tribunal Administratif du Québec


Administrative Appeals Tribunal (Australia)
Administrative Review Council (Australia)
Council of Australasian Tribunals
Council on Tribunals (United Kingdom)
National Association of Administrative Law Judges (US)
National Conference of the Administrative Law Judiciary (US)
State of Minnesota, Office of Administrative Hearings

Law Reform Commissions
and Other General Research and Reform Agencies


Access to Justice Network
Alberta Law Reform Institute
Alberta Law Review
BC Justice Review Task Force
BC Supreme Court Self-Help Information Centre
British Columbia Law Institute
Canadian Bar Association
Institute of Public Administration of Canada
Justice Institute of British Columbia
Law Commission of Canada
Law Reform Commission of Nova Scotia
Law Reform Commission of Saskatchewan
Manitoba Law Journal
Manitoba Law Reform Commission
Saskatchewan Law Review
Uniform Law Conference of Canada


Australia Law Reform Commission
Judicial Studies Board (United Kingdom)
Law Commission (New Zealand)
Law Commission for England and Wales
Law Reform Commission of Ireland
Office of the Commissioner of Public Appointments (United Kingdom)
State Services Commission (New Zealand)

Ministries of Justice/Attorney General
(Canadian - Federal/Provincial)

Alberta, Ministry of Justice
British Columbia, Ministry of Attorney General
Canada, Department of Justice
Justice Québec
Manitoba Justice
New Brunswick, Justice and Attorney General
Newfoundland and Labrador, Justice
Northwest Territories, Department of Justice
Nova Scotia, Department of Justice
Nunavut, Department of Justice, Nunavut
Ontario, Ministry of the Attorney General
Prince Edward Island, Attorney General
Saskatchewan Justice
Yukon, Department of Justice

Links listed by Alphabetical Order


Access to Justice Network
Administrative Appeals Tribunal
Administrative Review Council (Australia)
Alberta Law Reform Institute
Alberta Law Review
Association of Newfoundland Public Legal Information
Attorney General, Prince Edward Island
Australia Law Reform Commission


Board of Parole for the Province of British Columbia
Board Resourcing and Development Office (British Columbia)
British Columbia Building Code Appeal Board
British Columbia Coroners Service
British Columbia Council of Administrative Tribunals
British Columbia Court Services
British Columbia Farm Industry Review Board
British Columbia Justice Review Task Force
British Columbia Law Institute
British Columbia Provincial Government
British Columbia Review Board
British Columbia Securities Commission
British Columbia Supreme Court Self-Help Information Centre
British Columbia Utilities Commission


Canadian Association of Provincial Court Judges
Canadian Bar Association (British Columbia)
Canadian Department of Justice
Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice
Chief Electoral Officer (British Columbia)
Community Care and Assisted Living Appeal Board (British Columbia)

Council of Australasian Tribunals

Council of Canadian Administrative Tribunals
Council on Tribunals (United Kingdom)
Courts of British Columbia
Crown Agencies Secretariat (British Columbia)


Department of Justice (Northwest Territories)
Department of Justice (Nova Scotia)
Department of Justice (Nunavut)
Department of Justice (Yukon)
Dispute Resolution Office, Ministry of Attorney General (British Columbia)


Employment and Assistance Appeal Tribunal (British Columbia)
Employment Standards Tribunal (British Columbia)
Environmental Appeal Board (British Columbia)


Financial Services Tribunal (British Columbia)
Forest Appeals Commission (British Columbia)
Forest Practices Board (British Columbia)


Institute of Public Administration of Canada


Hospital Appeal Board (British Columbia)
Human Rights Tribunal (British Columbia)


Judicial Studies Board (United Kingdom)
Justice and Attorney General (New Brunswick)
Justice Institute of British Columbia
Justice (Newfoundland and Labrador)
Justice (Québec)


Labour Relations Board (British Columbia)
Law Commission for England and Wales
Law Commission of Canada
Law Commission of New Zealand
Law Reform Commission of Ireland
Law Reform Commission of Nova Scotia
Law Reform Commission of Saskatchewan


Manitoba Justice
Manitoba Law Journal
Manitoba Law Reform Commission
Mediation and Arbitration Board (British Columbia)
Medical Services Commission (British Columbia)
Mental Health Review Panels (British Columbia)
Ministry of Attorney General (British Columbia)
Ministry of Attorney General (Ontario)
Ministry of Justice (Alberta)


National Association of Administrative Law Judges (United States)
National Conference of the Administrative Law Judiciary (United States)


Office of Administrative Hearings (State of Minnesota)
Office of the Auditor General (British Columbia)
Office of the Commissioner of Public Appointments (United Kingdom)
Office of the Conflict of Interest Commissioner (British Columbia)
Office of the Fire Commissioner (British Columbia)
Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner (British Columbia)
Office of the Merit Commissioner (British Columbia)
Office of the Police Complaints Commissioner (British Columbia)
Ombudsman (British Columbia)


Passenger Transportation Board (British Columbia)
Private Post Secondary Education Commission (British Columbia)
Property Assessment Appeal Board (British Columbia)
Property Assessment Review Panels (British Columbia)
Provincial Agricultural Land Commission (British Columbia)


Residential Tenancy Office (British Columbia)


Safety Standards Appeal Board ( British Columbia)
Saskatchewan Justice
Saskatchewan Law Review
Society of Ontario Adjudicators and Regulators
State Services Commission (New Zealand)


Tribunal Administratif du Québec


Uniform Law Conference of Canada


Workers' Compensation Appeal Tribunal (British Columbia)

To see how BC's administrative justice reforms to date have been reflected in BC's laws, you may want to view Legislation.

To learn more about how reform legislation may be implemented by British Columbia's administrative tribunals you can go to Tribunal Tool Kit.

To find out more about AJO publications, research and other related material that provided the framework for the ATA, you can go to Publications and Research.

To make it easier to learn about what's new in the administrative justice field, you may want to view the links provided to some of the more significant information and documents at What's New.


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