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Flathead River Water Monitoring and Assessment

Water quality and quantity in the Kootenay Region has been studied by the provincial and federal governments since the 1970s. Baseline data from these studies and other research is used to ensure resource developments — such as mining, coalbed gas exploration and timber harvesting— only proceed in an environmentally sustainable manner.

The Flathead River Basin is an important part of the Kootenay Region that receives extensive study. Water quality monitoring and flow gauging has been conducted on a frequent basis over the past three decades to ensure existing conditions are well documented prior to any resource development decisions.

Extensive monitoring of water quality, and animal and plant life was carried out by the B.C. Ministry of Environment (BCMOE) and Environment Canada throughout the 1970s and 1980s. Monthly monitoring of the Flathead River at the U.S. border was carried out jointly by these two agencies from 1980 to 1995 and again from 2002 to 2004. This site was monitored as part of a network of sites across B.C. established to detect the existence of any significant trends in water quality. In 1995 an assessment of 15 years of data showed no such trends in the Flathead River and monitoring was put on hold as a result of this information. Monitoring resumed in 2002 for another two years to check for changes. Preliminary findings indicate no changes and a report is being drafted which will be posted on this page in the near future. A BCMOE/B.C. Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources program of monthly monitoring at a site in the upper Flathead River began in 2004 and continues today.

The Government of British Columbia considers all potential impacts of development projects before they are given approval to proceed. The provincial Environmental Assessment Office thoroughly reviews any mining projects that have been proposed. In most cases, the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency also completes a separate review to ensure federal requirements are met as well. Often the two agencies work jointly, combining their expertise to ensure the environment remains protected.

Coalbed gas is at the early exploration and development stage in British Columbia. Natural gas companies are exploring the economic and environmental viability of coalbed gas development. During this exploration stage, the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources and the Oil and Gas Commission are monitoring activity across the province to ensure responsible management of this resource.

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Here are some data and reports from research done on the water resources of the Flathead River:

Flathead River at the Canada-U.S. Border Water Quality Monitoring Data

Flathead River at McLatchie Rd - Water Quality Data from May 2004 to September 2006

Water Quality Trends in Selected British Columbia Waterbodies - Kootenay Region
(March 2000 report)

Assessment of Federal-Provincial Water Quality Data for the Flathead and Similkameen Rivers (February 1994 report)

Kootenay Air and Water Quality Study Phase II: Water Quality in the Elk and Flathead River Basins (October 1978 report)

A Water Quality Study of the Flathead River Basin British Columbia Prior to Proposed Coal Mining (1980 report)

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October 2006


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