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Ministry of Environment;
Government of
British Columbia
PO Box 9341
Stn Prov Govt
Victoria B.C. 
Canada V8W 9M1 

phone: (250) 387-3205
fax: (250) 356-7197

e-mail eqb@victoria1.gov.bc.ca

  updated: Oct. 2006  

Environmental Quality Branch


spacer graphicMain Topics: Climate Change

spacer graphic1. B.C.'s Climate Change Plan
spacer graphic2. Government Actions to Reduce
spacer graphicGreenhouse Gas Emissions
spacer graphicNEW B.C. Government Operations
spacer graphicGreenhouse Gas Progress Report
spacer graphic3. Impacts and Adaptation
spacer graphic4. Indicators of Climate Change in
spacer graphicCanada
spacer graphic5. Climate Change and British Columbia
spacer graphic6. Indicators of Climate Change for B.C.
spacer graphic7. SOE Indicators: Climate Change
spacer graphic8. Emissions Inventories
spacer graphic9. Emission Trading
spacer graphic10. Education
spacer graphic11. More Climate Change Links
spacer graphicpdf link Download Adobe PDF Reader


1. British Columbia's Climate Change Plan

See: B.C. Government Operations Greenhouse Gas Progress Report 2001-2004 (section 2, below)

Weather, Climate and the Future: B.C.'s Plan
December 2004

Weather, Climate and the Future: B.C.'s Plan will guide the province's approach as it works with the federal government, industry, local government and individuals to address climate change. The plan's target is to maintain the province's ranking of third-lowest per-capita greenhouse gas emissions. The plan also outlines 40 actions that will lead the province's efforts in this regard. Already, progress has been made on 30 of these actions.

Premier Campbell wrote this letter to former Prime Minister Chrétien, outlining B.C.'s five major areas of concern to be addressed in the development of the Kyoto Protocol implementation plan.
pdf link (24 KB / 3 pages)

Provincial and Territorial Statement on Climate Change Policy
October 28, 2002

In October 2002, the provinces and territories agreed upon guiding principles for the development of a national climate change plan. This document outlines the 12 principles that the provinces and territories submitted to the federal government as the basis for collaborative development of a national plan.
pdf link (10 KB / 2 pages)

Opinion Editorial on the Kyoto Protocol:
By Premier Gordon Campbell, and
Newfoundland and Labrador Premier Roger Grimes

November 21, 2002

This opinion editorial calls on the federal government to develop a fair and affordable Kyoto plan for addressing climate change, which supports jobs and investments, and sustains Canada's economy.

Report of the B.C. Climate Change Economic Impacts Panel
March 2003

In this report, the B.C. Climate Change Economic Impacts Panel (an independent advisory panel) makes recommendations on the development of a B.C. climate change action plan.
pdf link (1 MB / 58 pages)

Development and Analysis of Alternative GHG Emission Allocations
January 2003

This report provides an analysis of how British Columbia industries could be affected by greenhouse gas (GHG) emission allocations under the proposed federal domestic emission trading/covenant mechanism for emission reductions. Providing a basis for future discussions, the report identifies potential fairness concepts for emission allocations to industries covered by such a mechanism.
pdf link (747 KB / 26 pages)

Potential Economic Implications of Possible Kyoto Scenarios on the B.C. Forest Industry
December 2002

This report outlines the significant greenhouse gas emission reductions measures taken by B.C.'s forest industry before the Kyoto Protocol was signed. It also discusses the economic implications of a proposed further 15% reduction by the 2008-2010 Kyoto Protocol reporting period.
pdf link (263 KB / 21 pages)


2. Government Actions to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions

NEW B.C. Government Operations Greenhouse Gas Progress Report 2001-2004
May 2006

This is the latest Government of B.C. progress report submitted to the Canadian Standard Association's (CSA's) voluntary Greenhouse Gas Registries. It sets out government commitments and actions aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions from government operations.
pdf link (676 KB / 25 pages)

Greenhouse Gas Action Guide
November 2004

The Greenhouse Gas Action Guide is a compilation of straightforward and cost-effective GHG-reduction initiatives. It is meant to help local governments carry out immediate actions to decrease greenhouse gases. This ministry was a partner in developing the guide, with Environment Canada, Western Economic Diversification, the GVRD, the Fraser Basin Council, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and the Community Energy Association. Feedback from local government staff is encouraged.

BC Climate Exchange

The B.C. (British Columbia) Climate Exchange connects the many organizations in B.C. involved in education and outreach on climate change and related issues such as energy efficiency, green buildings, transportation, and sustainable industry. The website includes resources, tools and information for:

  • teachers;
  • businesses and industries;
  • local government, community and First Nations groups; and
  • the general public.

Integration of Air Quality-Related Planning Processes
May 2004

This study explores the present practice and potential for integrating three community-based planning processes into one. These three processes are: air quality management planning, greenhouse gas action planning and community energy planning.

The body of the report highlights "lessons learned" from 12 jurisdictions and makes recommendations for a basic integration framework. The extensive appendices provide the opportunity to explore relevant information, particularly each case study, in greater detail.
pdf link (1.48 MB / 149 pages)

(First Annual) Progress Report: Canada's First National Business Plan
September 2001

Visit this site for the first report on how Canada's federal, provincial and territorial governments have moved to implement the measures outlined in the First National Business Plan. The First National Business Plan is the first in a series of annually updated, three-year business plans to carry out the National Implementation Strategy on Climate Change.

The National Implementation Strategy is the general framework under which Canada will reduce greenhouse gases and address climate change. British Columbia's actions are included throughout the report.

B.C. Government's Progress Report on Climate Change to Canada's Voluntary Challenge and Registry (VCR) Inc.
October 2001

This progress report describes the British Columbia government's actions taken to meet its commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions from its own operations by 16%, between 2000 and 2005. The Voluntary Challenge and Registry is a not-for profit partnership established by Canada's environment and energy ministers.
pdf link   (77 KB / 20 pages)


3. Impacts and Adaptation

Workshop Proceedings: Adapting to Climate Change in Northern British Columbia
February 2003

This workshop brought together scientists, resource managers, and community and business stakeholders to review the current knowledge of climate change in northern British Columbia. Another goal was to discuss vulnerabilities, opportunities, information needs, and next steps towards strengthening adaptive capacity in the region. C-CAIRN BC (Canadian Climate Impacts and Adaptation Research Network) co-sponsored the workshop.
pdf link (71 pages / 583 KB)

Conference Proceedings: Adapting to Climate Change in the Coastal Pacific Northwest: Challenges for Ecosystems, Communities, Industries and Institutions
May 2003

This conference addressed the past and projected future impacts of climate change, and the ways in which coastal communities and resource managers in the Pacific Northwest can prepare and adapt. It was sponsored by the Air and Waste Management Association, the B.C. Ministry of Environment (Water, Air and Climate Change Branch), the Canadian Climate Impacts and Adaptation Research Network (C-CAIRN BC) and the Capital Regional District.
pdf link (67 pages / 1 MB)

Workshop Summary: Implications of Climate Change in British Columbia's Southern Interior Forests (Canadian Mountains Institute of Applied Ecology website)
October 2005

At this workshop, participants heard what climate models have to say about the future regional climate and the potential implications for flora, fauna and ecosystems. Participants also learned how to begin planning for the effects of climate change.
pdf link (174 pages / 3.8 MB)

Living on the Edge: Climate Change and Salmon in Lang Creek

Living on the Edge is an investigative study of the Lang Creek watershed. It evaluates recent impacts of warm stream temperatures on salmonids in the creek, and estimates the impacts of climate change on salmonids. It also forecasts the impacts of climate warming and climatic cycles on future stream temperatures in Lang Creek. And it develops water-temperature objectives for protecting drinking water and aquatic life.
pdf link (68 pages / 3,868 KB)

Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation: A Canadian Perspective
(Natural Resources Canada website)

This is a comprehensive report on the impacts of climate change in Canada, and adaptation measures.

Columbia Basin and Northern B.C. Adaptation and Impact Workshops: Summaries of Proceedings
January 17-18 and February 20, 2003

In 2003, the Environmental Quality Branch (then the Water, Air and Climate Change Branch) funded two workshops on climate change impacts and adaptation, in cooperation with C-CIARN BC and local partner organizations. The summaries of the Columbia Basin and Northern B.C. workshops proceedings are now available. They also provide a good introduction to some of the issues related to impacts and adaptation in B.C..

Workshop Summaries: Climate Change in the Columbia Basin (Columbia Mountains Institute website)
January 17-18, 2003

pdf link PDF version (102 pages)

HTML version

Regional Perspectives on Climate Change in
Northern B.C. (C-CIARN BC website)

February 20, 2003


4. Indicators of Climate Change in Canada

Note: Environmental indicators are measuring sticks that track the results achieved by governments, industries and individuals to protect and improve the environment.

Climate, Nature, People: Indicators of Canada's Changing Climate (CCME)
November 2003

Climate, Nature, People: Indicators of Canada’s Changing Climate is produced by the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME). It describes 12 climate change indicators, documents changes in these indicators during the 20th century, and identifies the potential implications of such changes.
pdf link (51 pages)

Greenhouse Gas Emissions : National Indicators (Government of Canada)

Greenhouse gas emissions are the indicator selected by the federal government and its partners to track progress and be held accountable in addressing climate change. Canada's 2003 GHG emissions were 32% above the target set for the 2008-2012 period under the Kyoto Protocol.


5. Climate Change and British Columbia

TV Series — Global Warning: Climate Change and B.C.
October 2000

This three-part TV documentary looks at climate change and its implications for British Columbia. It also focuses on how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and how we might have to adapt to climate change. It was produced by the Knowledge Network, in partnership with the Ministry of Environment, Government of Canada, BC Lung Association, Greater Vancouver Regional District and BC Gas. To view the documentary, visit the Knowledge Network's website.

Posters: Climate Change in Canada including Southwestern B.C. (Natural Resources Canada website)

A series of seven posters depicting the regional impacts of climate change in Canada, including Southwestern B.C.. The site includes fact sheets on specific climate change topics and a teacher's guide. The B.C. poster was a joint project of Natural Resources Canada, Environment Canada, Simon Fraser University, the Ministry of Environment (then the Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection), the Greater Vancouver Regional District and other agencies.

Responding to Global Climate Change in the British Columbia and Yukon Region (Executive Summary)
June 1997

This report by Environment Canada and the Ministry of Environment (then the Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection) is one of eight in the "Canada Country Study: Climate Impacts and Adaptation" series. The report projects that climate change could result in an increased frequency of floods and droughts in southern British Columbia, and disruptions to forests, fisheries and wildlife throughout B.C. and the Yukon.

Ministry of Forests Research Branch: Climate Change

Publications in this website focus on the impact of climate change on B.C. forests, forest management in response to climate change, as well as elements of the Kyoto Protocol that deal with forests and carbon sinks.


6. Indicators of Climate Change for B.C.

Indicators of Climate Change for British Columbia, 2002
March 2002

Indicators of Climate Change, 2002 documents how temperature, precipitation, and some related physical and biological systems changed in B.C. during the last 100 years. The trends suggest that many regions of B.C. are starting to feel the early impacts of climate change.


pdf link (1,112 KB / 50 pages) Full report

Report by topic area (HTML)
This includes the technical background papers and references for each topic.


7. State of Environment (SOE) Indicators: Climate Change

State of environment (SOE) indicators report on how healthy (or unhealthy) the different aspects of the environment are, such as climate, air, water, fish and wildlife. These indicators show the impacts our activities are having on the environment. They also report on the effectiveness of our efforts to address environmental problems. In this way, SOE indicators help provide the basis for informed decision making about actions different sectors of society should take to protect the environment.

Climate Change in British Columbia


8. Emissions Inventories

2000 British Columbia Emissions Inventory of Criteria Air Contaminants: Methods and Calculations
October 2004

This report describes the methods and calculations used to compile the 2000 emission inventory for B.C.. The criteria air contaminants in this inventory are: carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulphur oxides, volatile organic compounds and particulate matter (with PM10 and PM2.5 breakdowns). Inventory summaries are in the appendices.
pdf link (
1.18 MB / 113 pages)


9. Emission Trading

Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Emission Trading
June 2001

The B.C. Greenhouse Gas Forum sponsored a workshop on greenhouse gas emission trading in June 2001. Here are the presentations, along with the workshop agenda, registration list and a short biography of each speaker.

GERT (Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Trading)

The Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Trading Pilot is designed to test the effectiveness of emission reduction trading for greenhouse gases in the Canadian context. This pilot is a partnership between the Canadian federal government, a number of provinces, industry, labour and environmental groups.


10. Education (and More Useful Information)

Clean Air Day Posterback:
Less is More: Exploring the Connections between Energy and the Air We Breathe

May 2003

This information comes from the back of the 2003 Clean Air Day poster. It focuses on energy, and how it affects air quality and our life. It also explains what individuals and individuals can do to reduce emissions from the burning of fossil fuels, which will help to improve air quality and control greenhouse gases.

To print the text at 100% sizing, use legal (8 ½" x 14") paper. If you print on 8 ½" x 11" paper, the text sizing will be reduced to 94%.
pdf link   (71 KB / 2 pages)

Clean Air Day Posterback:
Climate Change, Air Quality and You: Issues for British Columbia

June 2001

Climate Change, Air Quality and You comes from the back of the Clean Air Day 2001 posters. The posterback focuses on:

  • the greenhouse effect and climate change;
  • the potential impacts of climate change on B.C.; and
  • transportation choices we can make to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, to help prevent further climate change.

pdf link (344 KB / 3 pages)

Wild BC: Climate Change Resources for Teachers

For information and resources on using climate change as a teaching theme, go to the Wild BC site.

Posters: Climate Change in Canada including Southwestern B.C.


11. More Climate Change Links

The Hybrid Experience Report (Fraser Basin Council, Fleet Challenge BC website)

Hybrid electric vehicles (hybrids) are a new technology that combines the internal combustion engine of a conventional vehicle with a rechargeable battery and electric motor. The Hybrid Experience Report documents the real-world performance of 100 hybrids. The report includes information and easy-to-use calculators to help buyers make choices based on fuel savings, emission reduction, and overall cost.

C-CIARN BC Canadian Climate Impacts and Adaptation Research Network

Climate Change (Government of Canada)

Climate Change and Health Office (Health Canada)

Climate Change in Canada (Natural Resources Canada)

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Indicators of Climate Change, 2002: Full Report 2003 Clean Air Day poster