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Last Updated:
July 12, 2005


Arctic Pacific Lakes

This site describes the process for applying for a waste discharge authorization, typically a permit or approval, including:

  • Instructions on the process;
  • The application forms; and
  • Guides (guidance documents) on how to complete the application forms and related documents.

The Introduction section provides an overview of the process (summarized in the Application Process Flow Sheet), and includes links to each part of the process described.

The Application Forms section provides each part of the application form to be completed by the applicant. It also includes the associated documents for public notification, creating site plans and calculating fees.

The Guidance Documents are three guides intended to help applicants identify the information they need to supply in the forms. The guides also explain the other aspects of the process, such as the consultation report and technical assessment report (if required).

The documents and forms are available in different formats to serve different client needs: Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF), Microsoft Word and HTML.

Download Adobe Acrobat's PDF Reader for free here.
This software will enable you to read and print reports that are in "portable document format" (PDF).

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