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Protecting Air Quality

Community air quality has improved in many areas of the province in recent years and the B.C. government is committed to seeing that trend continue. Maintaining clean and healthy communities is a high priority. The Ministry of Environment is currently focussing on developing a framework for airshed planning. This framework can be applied to degraded airsheds throughout the province to develop actions for ensuring air quality protection.

The ministry is building airshed-management partnerships with federal, regional and local governments and Washington State. Partnership funding assists communities to initiate or further develop their airshed plans. Funding for academic institutions, regional and local governments and contractors will improve understanding of local air quality, sources of concern and factors that contribute to air quality improvements.

Protecting Air Quality Province-wide

Air Quality Programs and Services


A summary of the main B.C. laws relating to air quality. Please note that other B.C. and federal laws deal with air quality and emissions management, too.

Waste Discharge Authorizations

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