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Fish Health Advisory Committee


In 2001, a technical committee was struck to ensure development and implementation of the programs arising from the fish health policy initiatives.  This included the development of fish health management plans and the fish health database.  Now that the development phase is completed, the technical committee has developed a Terms of Reference for a Fish Health Advisory Committee whose role will be to provide evidence–based recommendations to government on fish health and emerging disease issues as well as to make recommendations on the standards established and enforced through Fish Health Management Plans

Originally this committee was led by the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands and included industry and government agencies involved in fish culture (Fisheries and Oceans Canada and Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection).  The structure of the advisory committee now includes representatives with fish health expertise from the agencies responsible for fish culture and aquaculture in BC, as well as from industry.  The Committee is chaired by an independent fish health expert. 

List of Committee Members

  • Dr. Craig Stephen - Committee Chair, Veterinarian -Center for Coastal Health
  • Dr. Joanne Constantine - Fish Health Veterinarian, Ministry of Agriculture and Lands
  • Bill Harrower - Manager, Regional Operations, Ministry of Agriculture and Lands
  • Brian Pearce - Habitat, Fisheries and Oceans Canada
  • Dorothee Kieser - Fish Pathologist, Fisheries and Oceans Canada
  • Sherri Guest - Fish Health Unit Head, Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC
  • Bryan Ludwig - Hatchery Manager, Freshwater Fisheries Society Of BC
  • Dr. Peter McKenzie - Heritage Salmon
  • Mary Ellen Walling -- Executive Director, BC Salmon Farmers Association

Updated:  August 12, 2004


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