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Natural Resources Index
Agricultural Land Commission
Provincial Agricultural Land Commission: Forest Land Reserve, Agricultural Land Reserve, Private Land Forest Practices information, contacts, and forms.
Factual information on B.C.’s forest practices.
Coalbed Methane
Coalbed methane potential is present in many areas throughout B.C., including parts of Vancouver Island, the interior of British Columbia, the northeast area of British Columbia and the southeast corner of British Columbia.
Energy and Mines Assessment Reports
Energy and Mines reference and research tool for mineral exploration, academic studies, resource management.
Environment: Reporting Violations
Reporting violation of federal or provincial environmental laws and regulations guidelines.
Environmental Regions and Districts
Maps and program information about regions and districts of British Columbia.
Forest Management Certification
Forest certification information in B.C.
Forest Practices
Provincial forest practices policy and standards.
Forest Practices Code
Forest and Range Practices Act information including transition and training, Forest Practices Code of BC Act, Regulations and Guidebooks.
Forestry Sector
BC Timber Sales develops and sells publicly owned timber to a variety of customers – market loggers, sawmill operators, and timber processors and remanufacturers across the province on the basis of highest bid.
Gypsy Moth in British Columbia
Gypsy Moth management activities and information.
Land Information BC
A single window to the province’s land and resource information, products and electronic services for business, academia, governments and the public.
Land and Resource Registries
Access to information regarding titles and encumbrances on private lands, crown lands and surface and subsurface rights.
Mines: Directory of Operating Mines in B.C.
A collection of annual information about mining operations in B.C.
Offshore Oil and Gas
Find reports, presentations, publications, maps and other information associated with the development of British Columbia's offshore oil and gas resource.
Oil and Gas Commission
Oil and Gas Commission related forms and checklists (includes pipelines, wells, geophysical, forestry, roads and streams).
Silviculture Strategy
Forestry Silviculture - analyses reports for timber quantity, quality and habitat supply for individual management units. Search capability also available.
Timber Supply Review
Review and analysis used to determine allowable annual timber cuts.
Tree Book
Tree index, key identifiers, biogeoclimatic zones, searchable database information on trees of British Columbia.
Vegetation Resources Inventory
Vegetation resources inventory information, standards and procedures, training information and contractor information.
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