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Cabinet Operations and the Public Service

Cabinet Ministers
Members from the governing party, as selected by the Premier, make up cabinet. Each minister is responsible for a portfolio or 'ministry' and participates in making government policy decisions. Ministers are responsible in law and accountable to the legislature for certain actions taken in ministries or departments.

Deputy Ministers
Appointed by cabinet order, a deputy minister heads up the permanent public service in his/her ministry and is largely responsible for drawing the distinctions between the role of ministers and that of the public service.

Ministries and Central Agencies
The public service of the Province of British Columbia are mandated to carry out the policy of the government and operate under the auspices of 'ministries'. Generally speaking, these ministries are divided into program ministries - those that provide service, regulation or funding directly or indirectly to the public, and central agencies - those that perform functions internal to government and/or that provide support and direction to other ministries.

Crown Corporations
Crown corporations (and other semi-autonomous government agencies, boards and commissions) are created by statute and secure some or all of their funding through government.

Cabinet Ministers
Ministries & Organizations
Ministers and Deputy Ministers

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