Ministry of Economic Development

2010 Olympic & Paralympic Winter Games Secretariat
Marketing and Promoting British Columbia
Enhancing Economic Development

Labour Mobility

Labour mobility refers to the freedom of workers to practice their occupation wherever opportunities exist. Currently, skilled workers may find their qualifications are not recognized when they migrate to other provinces or territories.

This important issue is being addressed by the Government of Canada and the provincial and territorial governments through the Agreement on Internal Trade (AIT). Chapter 7 of this agreement is specifically targeted to remove barriers to worker mobility.

On April 28, 2006, British Columbia and Alberta signed the British Columbia – Alberta Trade, Investment, and Labour Mobility Agreement (TILMA). TILMA has helped create the second largest economy in Canada and will create trade and investment opportunities, but TILMA is also an important step for both provinces to realize improvements to labour mobility beyond what AIT has achieved. The agreement will come into force in April, 2007, and will be fully implemented by April 2009, at which time individuals in all occupations will be free to move and work in their chosen field in both provinces.

What does Chapter 7 say about Labour Mobility?

Chapter 7 of the AIT - the Labour Mobility Chapter - says that any qualified worker in an occupation in one province or territory must be granted access to similar employment opportunities in any other Canadian jurisdiction.

This chapter targets three main barriers that prevent or limit the interprovincial movement of workers:

  • Residency requirements.
  • Occupational licensing, certification and registration practices.
  • Differences in occupational standards.

Labour Mobility Resources

Regulated occupations are those that require recognition by a provincial regulatory authority in order to work in that occupation in British Columbia. For information on occupations regulated in British Columbia and in other provinces in Canada, see the Work Destinations website which has a searchable database.

Work Destinations has overview profiles for each regulated occupation in BC, and provides contact information for further information. See

For more information contact the Labour Mobility Coordinator:

Cindy Williams
Manager, Labour Market Initiatives
Economic Strategies Branch
Ministry of Economic Development
7th Floor, 1810 Blanshard Street
PO Box 9327 Stn. Prov. Govt.
Victoria, BC V8W 9N3
Phone: 250-356-2338
Fax: 250-952-0705