Ministry of Economic Development

Projected Skills Shortage List
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2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games Secretariat
Marketing and Promoting British Columbia
Enhancing Economic Development
Skills Development

One of the fundamental ingredients for prosperity in B.C. is having a qualified and competent workforce.

Growing B.C. businesses need skilled workers to produce quality products and services. And a skilled workforce will attract businesses looking to relocate in B.C.

Labour Force Highlights

BC Stats provides monthly highlights of labour force conditions with breakdowns and analysis

Labour Force Statistics

Projected Occupational Pressures Over the Coming Decade (July 2006)

The Ministry of Economic Development has developed a list of occupations anticipated to be in shortage in the coming decade. This is the result of research combining both labour market demand forecasts, and estimates of labour market supply. The occupations presented in the detailed document are those occupations where skills shortage pressures are most likely to be acute.

The Ministry will be updating this information on a regular basis, with the next update planned for Fall 2006.

Projected Skills Shortage List

BC Labour Market Analysis

Analysis of Statistics Canada's labour force survey results by the Ministry.  Please see Archive.

Sector Profiles Updated

A series of short sector profiles have been developed for some of the key sectors the Ministry of Economic of Development has worked with. These profiles can be accessed through the links below, or by following the "Information for Researchers" link to the left.

A Human Resource Strategy for British Columbia released, May 3, 2004

On May 3, 2004, the Ministry of Labour and Citizens' Services released A Human Resource Strategy for British Columbia. This publication outlines some of the work already undertaken by the provincial government, and key labour market facts that will help B.C. businesses plan to meet their human resource needs. It also highlights recommended best practices, and some of the innovative solutions being applied today in B.C. workplaces.

The Strategy can be downloaded for free.  The entire document may take some time to download, so can be downloaded in its entirety, or in smaller sections.

A Human Resource Strategy for British Columbia (entire document)

More information on the strategy, including a detailed inventory of provincial government programs that contribute to the skills agenda, can be found by following the Provincial Human Resource Strategy link on the left.

Final Report of the 2010 Human Resource Planning Committee released February 26, 2004

In response to concerns about potential skills shortages resulting from increased demand for workers due to the 2010 Winter Olympic Games, a multi-stakeholder committee was formed with representatives from the federal and provincial governments (Ministries of Labour and Citizens' Services, Human Resources, Advanced Education, Bid Secretariat, and Human Resources Development Canada) along with Tourism BC, First Nations, the Vancouver Agreement, the 2010 Bid Corporation and the Vancouver Downtown Eastside community.

This committee completed a number of research projects and consultation sessions focussed on maximizing skill development, employment and volunteer opportunities associated with the 2010 Winter Olympic Games.

The 2010 Human Resources Planning Commitee Final Report: Planning for Gold, is the product of 12 months of investigation, discussion and analysis activity. The report reveals four key, recurring themes that address B.C.'s human resource requirements leading up to and beyond the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Games:

  • Maximizing economic and social opportunities
  • Addressing potential skills gaps
  • Tapping the potential of "underutilized" human resources
  • Connecting labour supply and demand

The final report is a summary of all all the activity undertaken by the committee. The report can be downloaded for free.

Final Report of the 2010 Human Resource Planning Committee: Maximizing 2010-Related Employment and Skills Opportunities in British Columbia: Connecting Labour Supply and Demand

Reports on each of the specific projects that were undertaken by the committee can be found by the following the link to the Human Resource Planning for the 2010 Winter Olympic Games link on the left.


Last Updated August 30, 2006