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For Immediate Release


Aug. 2, 2002

Office of the Premier




HALIFAX – The premier of Québec, Mr. Bernard Landry, and the premier of British Columbia, Mr. Gordon Campbell, have made the following public statement on softwood lumber in the context of the annual premiers conference :


Forestry  is a critically important economic sector in both British Columbia and Québec.


British Columbia and Québec have made proposals to the federal government to assist workers, families and communities that are being affected by the punitive actions taken by the United States.


British Columbia and Québec share the view that the federal government, with primary responsibility for international trade negotiations, must do everything within its power to achieve a durable solution to the softwood lumber dispute.  It is critical that a lasting solution be found to this trade dispute that has lasted for over twenty years. The first results of proceedings that Canada initiated before the WTO are encouraging, and invite further action in the same direction. Therefore, it is essential that the Canadian government shows its determination to keep a strong and competitive forest industry until a solution is achieved.


The active and immediate financial assistance of the federal government is essential and urgent because the future of the forest industry and hundreds of forestry-dependent communities is at stake. Long-term financial assistance is also needed so that the forest industry in resource-dependent regions can become more diversified.


British Columbia and Québec are therefore calling on the federal government to act quickly in financing and implementing actions proposed by the government of British Columbia and the Government of Québec.  The Federal government must recognize the urgency of the situation and provide assistance in proportion with the impact in each province.


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Source:   Lara Dauphinee

Office of the Premier of British Columbia

604 209-9777

Source:   Hubert Bolduc

Office of the Premier of Québec

418 643-5321



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