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Ref: 850-097/007

2004 Western Premiers' Conference
Inuvik, Northwest Territories - July 7-9, 2004

INUVIK, July 9, 2004

Strengthening the Federation

Devolution of Resources and Resource Revenue Sharing

Premiers agreed that all jurisdictions should manage and control their natural resources. Premiers recognized the milestone achieved by the Yukon devolution agreement and continue to support the efforts of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut to successfully conclude devolution and resource revenue agreements for their respective territories. They stressed that the management and control of natural resources and a fair fiscal deal with the federal government is key to providing the territories with the ability to shape their social and economic futures. In a show of support all Premiers signed an open letter to the Prime Minister supporting the aspirations of northern jurisdictions.

The Senate

Western Premiers discussed the current appointment process to the Senate and its impact on western Canadians. Premiers agreed that the federal nature of Canada is not adequately reflected and accommodated under the current system that sees western Canada’s representatives in the Senate chosen unilaterally by the Prime Minister of Canada. Premiers agree that Senators should be appointed from lists of provincial/territorial nominees.

Provincial-Territorial Role in International Negotiations

Premiers noted that to date the federal government has had a positive approach to this matter and some progress has been made on working toward a federal/provincial/territorial agreement. Premiers agree that a written agreement with the federal government on the provincial-territorial role in international negotiations, agreements and other fora is essential to ensure that provinces and territories have a formal role to participate fully in international activities that affect their jurisdiction and responsibilities. Premiers encourage the federal-provincial-territorial ad hoc group of ministers to continue and complete their mandates as quickly as possible after a new federal Cabinet is announced.

Economic Development for the Territories

Premiers support the establishment of a northern economic development fund that gives the territories full authority to direct the funding expenditures.

Premiers recognize that economic development in the Northern Territories provides economic benefits for the rest of Canada.

Premiers agree that provincial/territorial governments are responsible for establishing economic development priorities within their jurisdiction.

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For information:
Julia Mott
Communications Coordinator
Northwest Territories
(867) 669-2304



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