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For Immediate Release


May 26, 2004

Office of the Premier

Government of Alberta




PRINCE RUPERT – The second B.C.-Alberta joint cabinet meeting concluded today with the two provinces signing five agreements that will:

·        Break down barriers to trade and investment between B.C. and Alberta, and increase competition and lower costs for businesses, consumers, and government.

·        Provide mutual assistance, services and resources in health care during public health emergencies or natural disasters.

·        Harmonize regulations in the oil and gas sector.

·        Increase environmental cooperation and harmonization.

·        Commit the provinces to cooperate on e-learning.


Two additional agreements were signed in advance of the meeting that will:

·        Improve traveler information in and around mountain parks, in partnership with Parks Canada.

·        Develop a partnership between Northern Lights College and the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology to enhance skills training in the oil and gas sector.


“Our partnership has already generated service improvements and savings for taxpayers in both provinces,” said B.C. Premier Gordon Campbell. “The additional agreements we’ve adopted will enhance opportunities in trade, investment, oil and gas, health care and e-learning. In particular, we’ll be continuing work in the days ahead to develop the Northern Corridor, building on our ports, airports and rail infrastructure, to open up new jobs, industry, trade and commerce across the North.”


“Just like at our meeting last year in Calgary, Alberta and B.C. continue to find common sense ways to improve government efficiency, and reduce costs for taxpayers in both provinces,” said Alberta Premier Ralph Klein. “I am encouraged by our progress, and the willingness of cabinet ministers from both provinces to work together for the benefit of Albertans and British Columbians. On behalf of Albertans and my cabinet colleagues, I would like to express my appreciation for the hospitality, and spirit of cooperation, extended to us in Prince Rupert by Premier Campbell and his cabinet.”


Premiers and cabinet ministers also discussed health care reform and sustainability in advance of the upcoming meeting of health and finance ministers, and the First Ministers’ meeting on health care this summer.


B.C. and Alberta also committed to explore a number of other areas of mutual cooperation, including development of a northern corridor from Alberta to B.C.’s north coast. Together, the two provinces will identify strategic industrial and infrastructure opportunities that hold the greatest economic development potential for a northern corridor, including port facilities in Prince Rupert and Kitimat, and new roads, rail upgrades, and air transportation.


Premiers and ministers also received updates on the following initiatives, developed as a result of their first meeting in Calgary in October 2003:

·         The joint-use motor vehicle inspection station on the Trans-Canada Highway, that will save both provinces an estimated $2 million in capital costs and $300,000 in annual operating costs.

·         The joint advanced-education programs delivered via videoconferencing between Northern Lights College in Dawson Creek and Grande Prairie Regional College are saving $6000 per course.

·         The joint procurement of kindergarten to Grade 12 learning resources that will result in potential savings of $350,000 for each province over the next year.

·         The Alberta-B.C. Partnership on Child Welfare, which has resulted in shared knowledge about innovative practices that improve outcomes for children, youth, and families in contact with the child welfare system.

·         Co-operation in BSE testing that will reduce costs for each province.


British Columbia and Alberta have a combined population of more than 7 million people, or about one-quarter of the total population of Canada. Three of the six largest cities in Canada are in British Columbia and Alberta. The two provinces produce almost $300 billion worth of goods and services per year, or about one-third of all goods and services in Canada (2002 figures).



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View the agreements on the B.C. website at:

The agreements are available on the Alberta website at:



 1 backgrounder(s) attached.





Mike Morton

Press Secretary

B.C. Office of the Premier

250 387-1715

250 213-8218 (cell)

Mark Kastner

Alberta Office of the Premier

780 422-4905


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