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For Immediate Release


Oct. 18, 2005

Minister of State for Intergovernmental Relations




BOZEMAN, MONTANA – Minister of State for Intergovernmental Relations John van Dongen is supporting British Columbia’s role as an increasingly important partner in meeting the energy needs of the Pacific Northwest at the Montana Energy Future Symposium.


“British Columbia has historically been integral to our region’s energy future, and our expanding oil and gas industry has only served to enhance that position,” van Dongen said. “As neighbouring states like Montana demonstrate leadership to secure their energy future, British Columbia has the potential to be an even stronger partner in ways that will create new opportunities for British Columbians and their communities.”


Van Dongen joins energy industry leaders and governors Brian Schweitzer, Montana; Christine Gregoire, Washington; Joe Manchin, West Virginia; Bill Richardson, New Mexico; Dave Freudenthal, Wyoming; Jon Huntsman, Jr., Utah; and Ted Kulongoski, Oregon at the Montana Energy Future Symposium where discussions will focus on Montana’s long-term energy strategy.


Topics for discussion include wind energy, coalbed methane, natural gas production, environmental concerns and energy development, energy transmission infrastructure, renewable and alternative fuels, and hydrogen fuel cell technology.


“In all these areas, British Columbia has proven itself as an innovative energy leader – and that’s creating opportunities for our regional partners,” van Dongen said. “But we can also learn a great deal from them in how we can continue to build our strengths and ensure our own energy needs are met at home in British Columbia”







Ian Todd

250 882-5183


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