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Votes and Proceedings

3rd Session of the 25th Legislature

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Past Votes Calendars: 



Sitting Days


26, 27, 30, 31


1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28, 29, 30


4, 5, 6

Click on a date above to view the corresponding Votes for the current session. Documents are in Adobe PDF format, therefore Adobe Acrobat Reader may be required to view some documents.  You can download it for free by clicking here.


Live streaming video of the legislative proceedings is now available.  Click here for more information.

More Information

The Votes and Proceedings is published daily by the Journals Branch of the Legislative Assembly. It is the official record, in minute form, of the proceedings of the Assembly. Short-form minutes taken by the Clerks-at-the-Table are formalised by the Journals Clerk and entered in the Votes and Proceedings. Included in the Votes are notations on the debates conducted, the initial notices for Bills and motions, progress made on Bills, amendments to Bills, sessional papers tabled, petitions presented, recorded votes and statements and rulings made by the Speaker and other presiding officers. In essence, the "Votes" is a record of all business that is done in the Assembly and should be distinguished from the Debates and Proceedings (Hansard), which is an unofficial record of everything that is said in the Assembly. At the end of each session the Votes and Proceedings are consolidated into the Journal. Questions or inquires can be directed to journals@legassembly.sk.ca or (306) 787-3992.

Disclaimer: the electronic versions of the Legislative Assembly's documents are provided on this site for information purposes only. The content of the documents is identical to the printed record, only the presentation differs unless otherwise noted.  The printed versions are the official record for legal purposes.


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