What's New

The provincial government and business groups are working together on a new program...

Regina Home Builders Association on board as pilot project...
Contact Us

Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce
1630 Chateau Tower
1920 Broad Street
Regina, SK  S4P 3V2
Phone: (306) 352-2671
Fax: (306) 781-7084
E-mail: info@saskchamber.com

Vick Dhir
Program Administrator
4th Floor
300 - 2103 11th Avenue
Regina, SK  S4P 3Z8
E-mail: vdhir@ir.gov.sk.ca

Youth Friendly Workplace Designation

The Youth Friendly Workplace Designation program will promote workplace opportunities and help engage young people in the workplace in Saskatchewan. The program will help to connect the designated workplaces looking for employees with the young people of the province looking for employment.

Employer Resources
Youth Employee Resources