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Policy and Planning

Policy and Planning provides direction and leadership in the analysis, development and design of rural economic policies and programs both in and outside the department. For example, areas of consideration include business development policy and initiatives, employment and skills training, infrastructure, and other issues related to rural economic development.

Along with rural research, policy analysis and development, the Branch supports the on-going work of the Action Committee on the Rural Economy (ACRE) and provides leadership to the Inter-departmental Rural Working Group. The Rural Strategy is government’s response to ACRE’s recommendations. Regional Economic and Co-operative Development continues to work with Departments, Crowns and agencies in both the assessment of ACRE’s 220 recommendations, identifying potential related actions, and tracking the related initiatives.


Rural Strategy




3085 Albert Street, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada S4S 0B1
Toll Free 1-800-265-2001

© 2005 Saskatchewan Regional Economic and Co-operative Development.