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October 12

Province Celebrates Job Creation in Rural Saskatchewan
The Cypress Loans Co-operative Ltd. in Shaunavon was recognized at a special ceremony today for its efforts in creating and maintaining jobs in rural Saskatchewan through the province's Small Business Loans Association (SBLA) program. Full Story


October 10 27th Annual Co-Operative Merit Winners Announced
Five individuals and three co-operatives will be honoured October 16th at the 27th Saskatchewan Co-operative Merit Awards gala in Regina. Full Story
October 4 Co-operatives Week Recognized October 15th to 21st
Deputy Premier and Regional Economic and Co-operative Development Minister Clay Serby today proclaimed October 15th - 21st as Co-operatives Week in Saskatchewan. This week, also observed nationally, acknowledges and celebrates the importance of co-operatives and credit unions in Saskatchewan and in Canada. Full Story
September 28 Saskatchewan’s Top 100 Companies of 2006
In the August 2006 issue, Saskatchewan Business Magazine published its annual ranking of the top companies in the province. Contact information for each of these companies is available in our Publications section.
September 25 Province Celebrates Job Creation In Rural Saskatchewan
The Northwest Community Futures Development Corporation (CFDC) was recognized at a special ceremony today for its efforts in creating and maintaining jobs in rural Saskatchewan through the province's Small Business Loans Association (SBLA) program. Full Story
September 22 Community Gardening A Success In Moose Jaw
More than 20 Moose Jaw families are benefiting from the harvest of the city's first community gardens project – the Saskferco Community Gardens. Full Story
September 21 North America's Newest Biofuel Test Centre Opens
The Saskatchewan Research Council (SRC) officially opened its Biofuels Test Centre in Regina today. Full Story
August 25

Saskatchewan Presses For National Renewable Fuels Policies
Saskatchewan continues to call on the federal government to ensure national policies that shape the future of Canada's renewable fuels industry help establish the emerging biodiesel sector and encourage primary producer involvement. Full Story

August 3 Business Mentorship Pilot Underway In Battlefords Region
The Business Mentorship Institute of Saskatchewan (BMI) is conducting a pilot project in the Battlefords region designed to better connect local businesses and increase business competitiveness. The project encourages successful businesses to assume a mentorship role by providing advice and guidance to fledgling businesses with similar needs. Full Story
July 25 REDA Enhancement Fund Leverages $4 Million for Community Economic Development
Since its inception in 1998, the REDA Enhancement Fund (REF), which currently
totals $1.9 million, has been used by Saskatchewan's Regional Economic
Development Authorities (REDAs) to leverage more than $4.1 million for 189 projects throughout Saskatchewan. Full Story
July 17

Deputy Minister Appointments
Premier Lorne Calvert today announced changes to deputy minister appointments within the Saskatchewan public service. Denise Haas has been appointed Deputy Minister of Regional Economic and Co-operative Development and Alan Parkinson is the new Deputy Minister of Environment. Full Story

July 12 Saskatchewan Hosts P.E.I. Renewable Fuel Delegation
Saskatchewan is encouraged by Prince Edward Island's support for a more aggressive renewable fuel strategy in Canada, and will host a delegation from P.E.I. July 12th and 13th to showcase the province's developing renewable fuels industry. Full Story
July 6 Prairie to Pine Artisans Tour
The Prairie to Pine Regional Economic Development Authority (REDA) will host
its second annual Artisans Tour July 15th and 16th in northwest Saskatchewan. Full Story

June 21

Cornerstone REDA Aquires New Members
The rural municipalities of Enniskillen, Estevan and Fillmore; the villages of Forget and Storthoaks and the Town of Oxbow join 22 other communities working to bring new development to southeast Saskatchewan. Full Story

June 20 Primary Weight Highway Expansion First Step in Provincial Transportation Strategy
As part of the provinces transportation strategy for Saskatchewan, the primary weight highway network will be expanded to include an additional 1,190 km province-wide, allowing for shippers to haul heavier weights on a broader network of highways. Full Story
May 26 Prebble To Examine Renewable Energy Development And Conservation In Saskatchewan
Premier Lorne Calvert has appointed Saskatoon Greystone MLA Peter Prebble as Legislative Secretary for Renewable Energy Development and Conservation. Prebble will lead an examination into Saskatchewan's options for the development of renewable energy sources and energy conservation programs, and develop an action plan for the coming decades. Full Story
May 25

Research And Business Envision Technology Innovation Centre
The Governments of Canada and Saskatchewan are investing a shared contribution of $132,000 that supports the University of Regina and Regina Regional Economic Development Authority's vision to create a Technology Innovation Centre. Full Story

May 25 Action Southwest Best In World
Action Southwest, a partnership strategy aimed at growing southwest Saskatchewan's economy, has been recognized internationally for its economic development efforts. Full Story
May 12 Province Encouraged By Talks on Renewable Fuels Strategy
A Saskatchewan delegation has returned home from Ottawa optimistic about the
establishment of a national mandate on the use of biofuels in gas and diesel
blends. Full Story
May 10 Province Celebrates Women Entrepreneurs
May 8th to 14th is Women Entrepreneurs Week in Saskatchewan, a time when we
recognize the significant contributions of business and professional women to
the province's economy. Full Story
May 10 Small Businesses Booming in Western Canada
The Honourable Carol Skelton, Minister of National Revenue and Minister of Western Economic Diversification today released Revisiting Portraits of Small Business Growth and Employment in Western Canada. Full Story
May 9 Saskatchewan Calls For Action On National Renewable Fuels Strategy
A delegation led by Deputy Premier and Regional Economic and Co-operative Development Minister Clay Serby is heading to Ottawa May 11th to discuss Saskatchewan's potential to be a leader in the renewable fuels industry.
Full Story 
April 27 Deputy Minister Appointments
Premier Lorne Calvert today announced changes to deputy minister appointments within the Saskatchewan public service.
Full Story     
April 27

Northeast Saskatchewan Communities Benefit From Nature-Based Tourism 04/27/2006
Communities in northeast Saskatchewan have recognized nature-based tourism as a viable option for enhancing the local economy.
Full Story

April 26 Province Supports Producer Ownership For Renewable Fuels Development 04/26/2006
The Government of Saskatchewan is encouraged by the innovative approach being taken by the South Central Renewable Fuels Committee (SCRFC). The SCRFC, led by Committee Chairman Doug Thul, has approached 51 RMs within SARM's Division #2 to explore investment in ethanol development in south-central Saskatchewan.
Full Story
April 21 Fitness Co-Operative Opens In Kipling 04/21/2006
Citizens of Kipling are improving their health with the creation of a community service co-operative fitness centre. Kip Fit Co-operative opened on March 22nd.
Full Story 
April 21 STC To Run 12-Month Test Of Bio-Diesel Fuel 04/21/2006
The Saskatchewan Transportation Company (STC) will be using a two per cent bio-diesel fuel mixture in more than half its coaches in the upcoming year to test the viability of using the more environmentally-friendly fuel in all its coaches. Full Story 
April 18 Midwest REDA Helps Grow Region
The Midwest Regional Economic Development Authority (REDA) and partners are working on a number of projects to create new growth and development in the Midwest region. Full Story 
April 13 Business Mentorship Receives Support
Saskatchewan entrepreneurs have a new tool for success with the creation of an organization that supports business mentorship in the province. Full Story
April 3 Business Opportunities – 2010 Olympics 
Forecasts estimate direct spending on the Vancouver 2010 Winter Games will be in excess of $4 billion and that major infrastructure project will create another $3 billion in related activities. There is no reason why Saskatchewan businesses can’t take advantage of these opportunities. Full Story
March 31 Regina To Host International Business Conference in 2007
The Government of Saskatchewan and the Saskatchewan Economic Developers Association (SEDA) announced today that Regina will host the 2007 Business Retention and Expansion International conference. Full Story
March 30 Open For Business Workshops Taking Place
The Open for Business workshop series, February 6th to March 27th in Estevan, reached maximum registration with 12 entrepreneurs completing the training. Due to the positive response to this business skill improvement initiative, another series of workshops will be offered in the fall. Full Story
March 17 New Generation Co-op Markets Pet Health Products
The New Generation Co-operative (NGC) model is allowing a group of Saskatchewan elk producers to capture a larger share of the marketing dollars for their products.
Full Story
March 17 2006-07 Budget To Be Delivered April 6th
Finance Minister Andrew Thomson will deliver Saskatchewan's 2006-07 Provincial Budget in the Provincial Legislature on Thursday, April 6th. Full Story
March 9 Youth Entrepreneurship Training Offered In Prince Albert
Young entrepreneurs will have an opportunity to build their business skills at a series of Youth Opportunities Unleashed (YOU) workshops in Prince Albert later this month.
Full Story
March 9 Biodiesel Information Evening To Be Held In Humboldt
Opportunities for biodiesel development in northeast Saskatchewan will be discussed at an information evening in Humboldt, March 23rd.
Full Story
March 2

ACRE 2006 Opportunities Conferences
Half-day meetings will be held in 6 locations around Saskatchewan. Each meeting will feature 3 rural entrepreneurs. They will share their stories and discuss the challenges and rewards of starting a business in rural Saskatchewan. Starting on February 28 to March 2, 2006, each meeting will begin at 1:00 p.m. No registration is required and there will be no registration fee. Full Story

February 17

Rural Opportunties Conferences Feature Business Success Stories
The Action Committee on the Rural Economy (ACRE) is again holding a series of conferences to highlight rural economic opportunities in Saskatchewan.
Full Story

February 8 Province And REDAs Celebrate REDA Week
Organizations committed to grassroots community economic development are being celebrated for their achievements during Regional Economic Development Authority (REDA) Week in Saskatchewan, February 19th to 25th.
Full Story
February 3 Results of Regional Economic Development Consultation Released
The Northwest Regional Economic Development Authority (REDA) has received the results from its first-ever Regional Economic Development Consultation.
Full Story
January 24 Build Your Own Business Conference In Watrous
The Long Lake Regional Economic Development Authority (REDA) will host "Build Your Own Business," an informational conference for aspiring rural entrepreneurs, on January 25th in Watrous.
Full Story
January 20 Last Cattle Frontier Travels to Alberta
Representatives from The Last Cattle Frontier, a project creating a market for farmland in east central Saskatchewan, will travel to Alberta January 24th to 26th to recruit ranchers to relocate to Saskatchewan. Full Story
January 5 Young Entrepreneurs Trained In Kipling
Ten young entrepreneurs have successfully completed the Youth Opportunities Unleashed (YOU) training modules in Kipling.
Full Story
December 28

Communities At Work
Program updates from across Regional Economic and Co-operative Development.  Organizations are highlighted, along with features that celebrate the many successful businesses and community ventures in rural Saskatchewan.
Full Story

December 16 REDAS Work To Encourage Development In The Oil And Gas Sector
A number of regional economic development authorities (REDAs) have embarked on a strategy to encourage development in the oil and gas sector in central Saskatchewan. Full Story
December 12

REDA Makes Connection Between Municipal Administrators, Economic Development 12/01/2005 The Carlton Trail Regional Economic Development Authority (REDA) will hold a meeting to help municipal governments spur economic development in their area December 2nd in Englefeld. Full Story

November 18 Seminar On Recipe For Rural Success
The Mid Sask Regional Economic Development Authority/Community Futures Development Corporation (REDA/CFDC) will explore the recipe for rural success at a seminar by Dr. Mark Partridge November 21st in Outlook. Full Story
November 15 Sustainable Funding System For Snowmobile Trail Network
The Department of Regional Economic and Co-operative Development and the Saskatchewan Snowmobile Association (SSA) announced the implementation of a new funding system for the province's 10,000-kilometre snowmobile trail network today. Full Story
November 10 ACRE Applauds Response To Recommendations
The head of the Action Committee on the Rural Economy (ACRE) said she is encouraged by the recent announcement of a provincial initiative to assist with the development and growth of small businesses in Saskatchewan. Full Story
November 3 Entrepreneurial Foundation And Fund Established
The Entrepreneurial Foundation of Saskatchewan and the Saskatchewan Entrepreneurial Fund have been established to assist with the development and growth of small businesses in the province. Full Story
November 3 Action Southwest To Host "Determining Our Destiny" Event
The Action Southwest Business Networks Coalition (ASBNC) will host a regional dinner November 3rd in Shaunavon to celebrate the completion of a strategy aimed at building a world class business environment in southwest Saskatchewan. Full Story
November 1 Moose Jaw Reda To Host Financing Workshop
The Moose Jaw Regional Economic Development Authority (REDA) and partners will host a financing workshop Nov. 2nd in Moose Jaw. Full Story
October 27 Citizens Gather to Help Governments Plan for the Future
Federal and provincial government representatives are in Humboldt today asking people to share their views on the challenges and issues facing rural communities. Full Story
October 26 Deputy Premier To Speak At Consultation
Deputy Premier and Regional Economic and Co-operative Development Minister Clay Serby will be a keynote speaker at the first-ever Regional Economic Development Consultation October 27th in Meadow Lake. Full Story
October 20 Young Entrepreneurs Benefit From New Loan Program
Young entrepreneurs in rural communities are starting to embrace the new training component of the province's Youth Opportunities Unleashed (YOU) initiative. Moose Jaw Area | North Battleford Area | Prince Albert Area | Regina Area | Swift Current Area | Yorkton Area | Estevan Area
October 19 Swift Current To Host Home-Based Business Conference
The Southwest Regional Economic Development Authority Inc. (REDA) and partners will host a home-based business conference to meet the needs of Saskatchewan entrepreneurs. Full Story
October 17 Nine Co-op Merit Awards presented for 2005
The annual Saskatchewan Co-operative Order of Merit Awards were held in Regina on October 17th.
Full Story
October 14 Small Businesses Celebrated As Economic Drivers
Saskatchewan's many small businesses drive our economy, and their power and energy are being celebrated during Small Business Week in Saskatchewan, October 16th to 22nd.
Full Story
October 13 Capturing Timeless Centennial Memories
The province's centennial year will create lifelong memories for many. Now Saskatchewan residents will have an opportunity to share those memories with future generations. Full Story
October 12 Government Proclaims Co-Op Week In Saskatchewan
The Government of Saskatchewan has proclaimed the week of October 16th-22nd as Co-operatives Week in the province.
Full Story
September 30

Province Supports Community-Developed Feedlot
The Government of Saskatchewan commends the proponents of a new feedlot facility near Ceylon and is proud to be a partner in their efforts to grow the provincial livestock industry.
Full Story

September 30
2006 Organic Farming Exchange
The Saskatchewan Federation of Production Co-operatives and the Canadian Co-operative Association are now accepting applications for the 2006 Organic Farming Exchange.
Full Story
September 22 Communities At Work
Program updates from across Regional Economic and Co-operative Development.  Organizations are highlighted, along with features that celebrate the many successful businesses and community ventures in rural Saskatchewan.
Full Story
September 22
Government Unveils Action Plan For The Economy
Saskatchewan has a new economic plan that builds on the province's current momentum and strength of its key economic sectors.
Full Story
September 21
Small Business Loans Increase Across the Province
The Small Business Loans Association Program (SBLA) has increased both the number of loan clients and dollars being invested in small businesses across the province.
Full Story
July 8
Maple Leaf Investment Good For Agriculture And Rural Saskatchewan
"The $35 million the government has committed to this project is an investment in Saskatchewan: in the province's economy, in jobs, and in the agriculture industry," Serby said.
Full Story
June 24
Rural Saskatchewan Represented at International Conference
Deputy Premier and Regional Economic and Co-operative Development Minister Clay Serby spoke at the "Power of Place" 2005 International Rural Network Conference.
Full Story
March 25
Minister To Talk Economic Development With REDAS
Regional Economic and Co-operative Development Minister Clay Serby will meet with representatives of Saskatchewan's Regional Economic Development Authorities (REDAs) in a series of six meetings to take place over the next three weeks.
Full Story
March 16
ACRE Makes Second Set of Recommendations to Government
After two years of research and public consultation, the Action Committee on the Rural Economy (ACRE) delivered 35 recommendations today, focused on building Saskatchewan's rural economy. Full Story  
March 11

New Department Emphasizes Rural Focus
Premier Lorne Calvert announced the creation of a new department today - a move designed to promote increased rural economic growth in Saskatchewan.
Full Story

March 03
ACRE Finalizing Recommendations For Rural Saskatchewan
Full Story


3085 Albert Street, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada S4S 0B1
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© 2005 Saskatchewan Regional Economic and Co-operative Development.