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Media Centre


Department and Stakeholder Publications

A Report Examining Care Provided to Paige Hansen - June 2006

 Housing Options for Saskatchewan Seniors

The 10-Year Plan to Strengthen Health Care and Medical and Diagnostic Equipment Funding - March 2006


Common questions about some programs and services

Health Legislation
Vital Statistics
Our Minister

Aboriginal Health
     Saskatchewan Approach Document
     Saskatchewan Engagement Report
 First Ministers Meeting - Main Document
National Aboriginal Blueprint

Action Plan for Saskatchewan Health Care

      Saskatchewan's Health Workforce Action Plan - December 2005
      Saskatchewan's Action Plan for Citizens with Cognitive Disabilities - September 2005
      Supporting Mental Well-Being and Decreased Substance Use and Abuse - August 2005
      Provincial Health Research Strategy - July 2004
      Population Health Promotion Strategy for Saskatchewan - April 2004
      Action Plan for Saskatchewan Health Care Progress Report - September 2003
      Progress Report on Saskatchewan's Nursing Strategies - July 2003
      Action Plan for Saskatchewan Health Care - December 2001

Annual Reports

Annual Report Archive

     Saskatchewan Health - Annual Report 2005-2006
     Drug Plan and Extended Benefits Branch Annual Statistical Report 2005-2006
     Medical Services Branch Annual Statistical Report 2005-2006
     Saskatchewan Health Information Network - Annual Report 2005-2006
     Vital Statistics Annual Report 2005
     Regional Health Authority Annual Reports

Benefits Booklet - A Guide to Health Coverage in Saskatchewan

Building Caring Communities - A Community Workbook

Covered Population2006    2005    2004     2003     2002     2001

Commission on Medicare - Final Report

Crystal Meth - A Strategic Plan for Crystal Meth and other Amphetamines in Saskatchewan - February 2005

      Diabetes 2000 Report
      The Provincial Diabetes Plan

Diagnostic Imaging Review - December 2004

Early Childhood Development Progress Report 2003 -2004

Emergency Medical Services Report - November 2000

Epidemiology Report - Cryptosporidiosis Outbreak - Battlefords, Saskatchewan - October 2001

Family Health Benefits - Monitoring The Effects Of Family Health Benefits For Low-Income Families In Saskatchewan

Gambling and Problem Gambling - Final Report

Global Health Indicators for Regional Health Authorities - July 2003

Health Service and Outcome Indicators:  Overview   * * * *Mothers and Infants

Health Research Strategy - July 2004

Health Reform Fund & Diagnostic and Medical Equipment - December 2004

HIV - AIDS Annual Reports
 HIV - AIDS 2005 Annual Report
HIV - AIDS 2004 Annual Report
     HIV - AIDS 2003 Annual Report
     HIV - AIDS 2002 Annual Report
     HIV - AIDS 2001 Annual Report

Job Satisfaction, Retention, Recruitment and Skill Mix for Sustainable Health Care System

Labour Market Study of Home Care/Special Care Aides in Saskatchewan

Methadone Assisted Recovery Guidelines - March 2004

      Progress Report on Saskatchewan's Nursing Strategies - July 2003
      Labour Market Analysis - Saskatchewan Nursing (Elliot Report) - July 2003
      Labour Market Analysis - Saskatchewan Nursing (Elliot Report) - October 1999
      Improving Nursing Workplaces for Health - June 2003

Payment Schedules (Medical Services)

Performance Plan - Saskatchewan Health
      2006 - 07 Performance Plan

      Health System Quality Measures Public Confidence Indicators - November 2003
      (public opinion poll on health care)

Population Health Promotion Documents
A Population Health Framework for Saskatchewan Regional Health Authorities
A Population Health Promotion Strategy for Saskatchewan
Public Health/Population Health Services in Saskatchewan

Premier's Project Hope - Provincial Action Plan for Substance Abuse
Premier's Project Hope - Addley Final Report

Regina Health District Review

Saskatchewan Cancer Agency
      Saskatchewan Cancer Agency Review - Phase One Report

Saskatchewan Comparable Health Indicators Report 2004
Saskatchewan Comparable Health Indicators Report - September 2002

Saskatchewan Population Projections 2006 to 2021

Seniors' Gold Plan
Housing Options for Saskatchewan Seniors
  Saskatchewan's Provincial Policy Framework and Action Plan for Older Persons
      Seniors Booklet - Programs and Services of Interest to Seniors
      Fall Injuries Among Saskatchewan Seniors

Standing Committee on Health Care Report

Surgical Waiting List Report

Surveillance Report of Deaths in Saskatchewan Regional Health Authorities

Task Force on High Cost Drugs

The 10-Year Plan to Strengthen Health Care and Medical and Diagnostic Equipment Funding - March 2006

Toward School PLUS - Planning for Health Related Supports for Children and Youth

West Nile Virus Seroprevalence Report 2004

Stakeholder Publications

Alzheimer Strategy - December 2004
At Risk - Recommendations for a Strategy on HIV, Blood-borne Pathogens and Injection Drug Use

     Building An Early Childhood Development System Utilizing A Population Health Perspective
     English     French
     Middle Childhood: Taking Action Together      English     French

Dental Health Education - A Teacher Resource To Support Dental Health Education
Listing of Initiatives for Falls Prevention Among Seniors Living in the Community
Metis Addictions Council of Saskatchewan Inc. - MACSI - October 2004
Nursing in Collaborative Environments
Saskatchewan Mental Health Sector Study Final Report - Executive Summary
Saskatchewan's Provincial Policy Framework and Action Plan for Older Persons
The Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada  - Final Report
Surgical Wait List Management: A Strategy for Saskatchewan

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© Government of Saskatchewan 2003