Government of Saskatchewan Western Red Lilies
Executive Council - Media Services
Legislative Building - Regina, Canada S4S 0B3 - (306) 787-6281

News Release

October 17, 2006

Advanced Education and Employment - 748


The Government of Saskatchewan is providing $300,000 in support of continued
development of technology-enhanced learning (TEL) at three Aboriginal
Institutions in Regina, Saskatoon and Prince Albert.

"These Aboriginal Institutions have been creatively and effectively using
technology to enhance access to post-secondary education and training,"
Advanced Education and Employment Minister Pat Atkinson said. "This ensures
that our young people gain the skills necessary to enter our work force and
pursue a career here at home. It improves the quality of life for our families
and builds a better future for our youth. Technology is also being used to
enhance the quality and the cultural relevance of the learning resources

The 2006-07 TEL funding for the Aboriginal institutions is being applied
toward the following and builds on previous TEL work over the past six years:

• First Nations University of Canada: three online courses: two second-year
Indigenous Studies, and one Indian Social Work. These courses complement the
courses that are televised on SCN in conjunction with the University of Regina
Centre for Continuing Education, such as Cree, English and Art History.

• Dumont Technical Institute: online Métis Studies Adult 10 course, and
services and support for learners in TEL courses; Gabriel Dumont Institute:
digitizing special collections for the Virtual Museum of Métis History and
Culture, a collection of resources of interest to all levels of education,
K-12 and post-secondary, as well as the general public.

• Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies: two online courses toward an
Aboriginal child care program.

This $300,000 is part of our governments increased funding of $4.9 million to
TEL funding provided by the last provincial budget this year for our
post-secondary institutions, including universities, SIAST and regional
colleges. This funding also strengthens our commitment to provide more courses
online and provide job-oriented training spaces at Saskatchewan technical
schools and regional colleges.


For More Information, Contact:
Terry White
Advanced Education and Employment
Phone: (306) 787-7791
