Government of Saskatchewan Western Red Lilies
Executive Council - Media Services
Legislative Building - Regina, Canada S4S 0B3 - (306) 787-6281

News Release

November 22, 2006

Advanced Education and Employment - 843


As part of the Province's $52.6 million training announcement, another 59
citizens in the Central region will have an opportunity to receive the
training they need.

In total, 2,584 new opportunities have been created in Saskatchewan.

"The Government of Saskatchewan is delivering on its promise to expand
training opportunities to meet the demands of our province's vibrant and
growing industries and businesses," Premier Lorne Calvert said. "These
opportunities provide young people in every corner of the province with an
even brighter future – and more opportunities to learn, grow and prosper right
here at home."

The total training investment in the Central region is worth $368,000 which
will provide for the following:

• A seven seat expansion in the Licensed Practical Nursing program in Watrous;

• 12 Pre-Trades Welding training opportunities in the Southey area; and

• Two Adult Basic Education 5-10 programs in Wakaw and Punnichy for a total 40
new training opportunities.

"From oilfield training in western Saskatchewan to diamond driller training in
the north, we're creating the opportunities our young people need where they
need them," Advanced Education and Employment Minister Pat Atkinson said.
"We're drawing a direct path between the learner and the job, and creating the
training opportunities necessary to bring the two together."

"Carlton Trail Regional College is pleased to work with business, labour, and
government to build our regional economy," Carlton Trail Regional College CEO
Rob Barber said. "Our region has seen a continued demand for skilled trades
people and health care professionals, and this investment allows us to satisfy
that demand by providing our employers with the employees they need."

The $52.6 million total represents the greatest investment in training in the
Province's history.


For More Information, Contact:
Christopher Jones-Bonk
Advanced Education and Employment
Phone: 306-798-3106
Rob Barber
Carlton Trail Regional College
Phone: 306-682-6851
