Government of Saskatchewan Western Red Lilies
Executive Council - Media Services
Legislative Building - Regina, Canada S4S 0B3 - (306) 787-6281

News Release

October 16, 2006

Learning - 745


Learning Minister Deb Higgins proclaimed Saskatchewan Library Week at the
Legislative Library in Regina today. This year's theme Lifelong Learning @
your library®, highlights the important role that libraries play to support
formal and informal learning and high literacy levels for all ages.

"Investing in our libraries is one of the best ways to ensure a bright future
for all citizens, right here at home in Saskatchewan," Higgins said. "Literacy
skills make it possible for people to participate successfully in the labour
market and to create a better quality of life for themselves and their

Saskatchewan Library Week 2006 is being celebrated October 16th–23rd with
various public activities in libraries across the province to demonstrate the
quality of Saskatchewan libraries. Saskatchewan Library Week is organized each
year by the Saskatchewan Library Association (SLA), to raise awareness of
libraries and their services and to promote literacy and cultural awareness.

"Now it its 30th year, Saskatchewan Library Week is one of the flag-ship
programs of the SLA. This week of activities highlights the value of libraries
and the important role libraries play in the quality of life of Saskatchewan
citizens," SLA president Carol Shepstone said. "This year's theme
appropriately speaks to the central role of libraries in our lives: for
preschoolers and seniors, for students and employees, for researchers and
business owners, for local artists and local readers."

The SLA is a voluntary, non-profit organization whose membership is composed
of individuals and institutions from all fields of Saskatchewan library
service, including public, university, college, school and special libraries.

Saskatchewan has a co-operative network of more than 1000 libraries. School
Library Day in Saskatchewan is also celebrated on October 23rd.


For More Information, Contact:
Jacquie McLean
Phone: (306) 787-5609
