Government of Saskatchewan Western Red Lilies
Executive Council - Media Services
Legislative Building - Regina, Canada S4S 0B3 - (306) 787-6281

News Release

October 19, 2006

Additional Information

Learning - 754


Ten Community School students are recipients of the fifth annual Prince of
Wales Scholarships worth $500 each.

"These students are being recognized for their demonstrated leadership and
active participation in both school and in community," Learning Minister Deb
Higgins said. "They can be very proud of their accomplishments as the Prince
of Wales Scholarships reflect the special interest of His Royal Highness
regarding the success of youth in achieving a good education."

The 2006 scholarship winners attend Community Schools in Beauval, Duck Lake,
Fort Qu'Appelle, Grenfell, Leask, Moose Jaw, Regina and Saskatoon.

Students attending Community Schools can be nominated in Grade 11 for the
Prince of Wales Scholarships. Local Community School leadership teams prepare
nominations. Nomination criteria include financial need, academic performance,
school-based, community-based leadership as well as responsibilities outside
school. Recipients receive their award in two instalments of $250 each, in the
fall and in the spring, during Grade 12.

These annual scholarships were introduced in 2001 during the Prince of Wales'
visit to Saskatchewan as a gift from the province.

The deadline for Community Schools to submit their nominations for next year's
scholarships is April 30th, 2007.


For More Information, Contact:
Jacquie McLean
Phone: (306) 787-5609
Cell: (306) 535-2261
