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Immigrating Under SINP

To receive a Canadian visa, individuals applying to immigrate under SINP must complete two steps:

Step 1—SINP application
Submit a SINP application to the Immigration Branch of the Saskatchewan Department of Advanced Education and Employment and Aboriginal Affairs.  Applications must include the relevant SINP forms and the appropriate federal immigration forms.  Incomplete applications will not be accepted.

If an application meets Saskatchewan’s eligibility criteria and is approved, the province will send a nomination certificate to the federal Department of Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC).  A letter will also be sent to the applicant informing them of their nomination. CIC will only consider SINP applicants after receiving the nomination certificate from the province.  Nomination under the SINP does not guarantee CIC's approval of an immigration application.  Final authority rests solely with CIC as to the issuance of visas.

Once a completed application has been reviewed, all decisions on SINP eligibility are final. There is no appeal.

Step 2—Application to a Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) visa office
Individuals nominated by Saskatchewan must then submit their previously completed federal immigration forms and any applicable fees to the appropriate Canadian visa office.  The website of Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) provides contact information for visa offices abroad.  CIC will screen applicants for criminality, security and health concerns. Applicants will be asked to undergo medical tests.  CIC may also require applicants to submit additional information to support their federal application.

Program Description
Who Is Eligible?
Immigrating Under SINP