Government of Saskatchewan Western Red Lilies
Financial Services Commission
   Pensions Division


Are there any exceptions to the locking-in rules?

If pension money is locked-in, funds cannot be taken out of the pension plan or a Locked-In Retirement Account (LIRA) as a lump sum cash payment. Locked-in money can only be used to provide you and your spouse with retirement income.

No one has the authority to grant an exception to the locking-in rules regardless of the circumstances. The only two exceptions to the locking-in rules are:

  • A pension plan may provide for the payment of a pension over a fixed term or as a lump sum if you have a considerably shortened life expectancy. Your condition must be certified by a duly qualified medical practitioner who has been approved by the plan administrator.  Your administrator is responsible for applying this provision.
  • A pension plan may make a payment in lieu of a pension if your pension is considered to be too small to administer on a practical basis. Your pension is too small if:
    • the commuted value, a lump sum payable today equal to a future series of payments, of your pension under a defined benefit provision or the total value of your defined contribution account does not exceed 20% of the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings (YMPE); or
    • your annual pension does not exceed 4% of the YMPE.
  • A LIRA may also provide for the payment of a pension over a fixed term or as a lump sum if you have considerably shortened life expectancy.  Your condition must be certified by a duly qualified medical practitioner. 
  • A LIRA may provide for a lump sum payment if the total value of your locked-in money is too small to warrant being administered as a pension.  Your pension is too small if the total amount of all your locked-in money from all sources does not exceed 20% of the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings (YMPE).

The YMPE is the maximum amount of annual earnings from employment on which Canada Pension Plan contributions (deductions) and benefits are calculated. The federal government adjusts the YMPE every year according to a formula based on average wage levels in Canada.

Please refer to our bulletin Unlocking Pension Money for further details.