Government of Saskatchewan Western Red Lilies


Duties and Responsibilities
Legislative Authority

Duties and Responsibilities

The Department of Executive Council:

  • Provides administrative support to the Premier and cabinet ministers;

  • Provides policy and planning advice and support to the Premier, the Cabinet, and the ministers;

  • Leads the Saskatchewan Public Service, including developing and advancing the Government’s public service management agenda, with particular emphasis on public service renewal; ensuring strategic management and planning among senior public service personnel across government; providing leadership and direction to the Public Service in developing public policy; and acting as spokesperson for the Public Service.

  • Facilitates co-ordination of government communications by providing strategic direction in communications, providing communications counseling to government organizations, and by ensuring a fair and equitable process for contracting communications services and printing requirements. Media Services prepares and distributes news releases and provides assistance to departments, agencies and Crown corporations in the preparation of news releases, as well as coordinating the day-to-day media relations for the Premier and the members of Cabinet;

  • Co-ordinates and organizes the government’s business in the Legislative Assembly and provides research support services for the Premier and Members of the Executive Council;

  • Maintains procedures for Cabinet to make policy decisions and monitors the implementation of these decisions. Cabinet Secretariat also maintains all cabinet documents, orders in council, and regulations; and

  • Provides analysis, support and co-ordination services for Cabinet Committee on Planning and Priorities, and the Legislative Instruments Committee.

Department Vision

We provide the highest quality support for informed Cabinet decision-making.

We are dedicated to the development of public policy that is innovative, responsive and durable in meeting the needs and hopes of the residents of Saskatchewan.

Department Mission

Our mission is to support the Premier, Cabinet and its members and committees, and government as a whole and to provide:
  • Corporate leadership in analysis, advice, co-ordination, facilitation and communication leading to sound public policy and administration.

Our employees are our most important asset in pursuing this mission. We are committed to achieving our mission and fulfilling our mandate by creating a culture of continuous learning and improvement within our department that:

  • Promotes excellence in the performance of duties;
  • Engages enthusiasm and fosters the skills and talents of employees;
  • Demonstrates respect for and responsiveness to employees; and is flexible enough to meet their needs while also meeting the needs of government; and
  • Acknowledges and rewards employee efforts and results.

Department Organization

The Department of Executive Council has four divisions:

Organizational Chart
Senior Staff Job Descriptions

Legislative Authority

The Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Act provides that there:


"… shall be a department of the Government of Saskatchewan which shall be called the Office of the Executive Council, over which the Minister shall preside.”


The Department shall:

  1. act as secretariat to the Executive Council and to any committee that the Lieutenant Governor in Council may designate;
  2. co-ordinate, under the direction of the minister, some matters involving relationships with other governments; and perform duties that may be assigned to it by the Lieutenant Governor in Council.
Click here for a complete version of
The Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Act

Note: This link is provided with the consent of the Queen's Printer for Saskatchewan pursuant to the Government of Saskatchewan copyright policies. Printed copies and Adobe Acrobat versions of this legislation are available through the Queen's Printer website or from their store. To order or subscribe, please visit them at
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Government of Saskatchewan
Last updated: December 06, 2006


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