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JobStart/Future Skills

Sector Partnerships Program (SPP)

Industry sectors will work with community groups and training institutions to plan and develop human resource strategies to address industry skill shortages.

The program will support the costs of human resource planning partnerships of industry sectors, communities and training institutions.

Funding will be provided for activities such as: identifying industry sector skill needs; human resource planning; developing occupational standards; planning workplace adjustment; and developing training solutions.

Sector Partnerships provides financial assistance to industry sectors that are important to the province’s ability to compete in external markets. Funding is provided to implement partnerships with trainers and communities for human resource planning and the development of training approaches to meet industry skilled employment needs.

Program Objectives

  • To assist industry sectors to identify current and future skilled employment needs and strategies to address those needs.
  • To develop effective partnerships in human resource planning and skills training.
  • To develop effective partnerships between the private sector, trainers and communities in Saskatchewan.
  • To improve the effectiveness of the training system.
  • To foster a continuous learning culture in Saskatchewan.
  • To contribute to Saskatchewan’s labour market and career services information.

Program Criteria

Eligible Applicants 

  • Funding will be provided to industry associations, councils, organizations or other representative industry bodies where the partners work together to identify and address common human resource and skills training needs.
  • Sector coordination activity is available, if required, to a maximum of 10% of total program contribution.
  • Funding will not replace other funding or duplicate existing sector initiatives currently underway.
Financial Assistance 
  • The program will provide up to $50,000 per Sector Partnerships project.
  • A preference will be given to projects which include industry and other partners’ contributions.
  • The program reserves the right to limit the amount of funding available to any one sector.

Proposal Development

Sector Partnerships proposals must include the following: 

  • Sector Description - How is the industry sector defined?
  • Project Description - What will be done?
  • Rationale - Why is this sector work required?
  • Objective - What will be accomplished?
  • Partnership - Who are the partners and what are their roles and responsibilities?
  • Timeframe - How long will project run?
  • Budget - Provide a detailed listing of projected expenditures including other sources of funding?
Priority is given to Sector Partnerships proposals where:
  • sectors are important to the province’s ability to compete in external markets
  • sectors demonstrate a long term commitment to strategic human resource planning
  • sectors include partnerships with communities, geographic and communities of interest, including Métis and/or First Nations
  • partners contribute in cash or in kind to the project
Federal and provincial crown corporations, departments and agencies are not eligible. 

Eligible Activities 

  • human resource planning and co-ordination
  • development of skills and training inventories
  • training needs assessment and planning
  • occupational standards development
  • curriculum purchase and adaptation
  • curriculum development, when not available from elsewhere
  • sector coordination

Note: Any curriculum purchase, adaptation or development must meet national standards. (if available)

Submission Process

  • Sector Partnerships proposals will be accepted until all the funding has been committed.
  • It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure all of the components of the proposal are complete.
  • Submit Sector Partnerships proposals to:

    Program Manager, Sector Partnerships
    Saskachewan Advanced Education & Employment
    12th floor, 1945 Hamilton Street
    Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 2C8

For more information call:

Program Manager, Sector Partnerships
Phone: (306) 787-2613
Fax: (306) 787-7182

Or e-mail: