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Frequently Asked Questions - Prussic Acid and Green Flax

Murray Feist
Ruminant Nutritionist, AKC, SAFRR
September 2005

Can green flax be used for livestock feed?

Flax crops delayed by weather and damaged by frost can result in incomplete seed development, and in some cases, regrowth and reflowering may have occurred on the green plant. While the green flax plant can potentially contain 8-18% crude protein and 40-65% TDN, there are several points that need to be considered, including the potential for toxicity, if producers are thinking about harvesting the flax as forage.

What is prussic acid and how is it formed in green flax?

Green flax contains a sugar compound called cyanogenic glycoside. This substance itself is not harmful. When trauma to the plant occurs, plant cells rupture, allowing the cyanogenic glycoside to mix with the enzyme beta glycosidase (ß-gycosidase) and triggering a reaction that converts the cyanogenic glycoside into a new compound called hydrocyanic acid (hydrogen cyanide) or prussic acid. When consumed, the hydrogen cyanide is absorbed into the bloodstream and acts to prevent the oxygen in the blood from being released from the haemoglobin to tissue cells. As a result, the animal dies of asphyxiation. Rumen bacteria can also create a prussic acid poisoning scenario. Certain bacteria in the rumen producing a ß-gycosidase enzyme will also convert green flax cynogenic glycosides into prussic acid even without a frost occurring. The trauma on the green plant caused by trampling and chewing releases the cyanogenic glycoside into the rumen environment where the enzyme is present. This too will result in the creation of prussic acid, asphyxiation and death of the animal if the concentration of prussic acid is high enough. Other factors such as drought, wilting and chemical desiccation can also result in prussic acid levels in flax. Levels of prussic acid tend to remain high for several weeks post frost/spraying or other trauma (e.g. livestock trample while grazing, crushing, etc.) on the plant, and a longer period of time may be required for proper reduction of prussic acid levels.

What levels of prussic acid are toxic to livestock?

The toxicity level of prussic acid has been referenced at varying levels. One source from the University of Saskatchewan indicated that toxicity can occur should the level of prussic acid exceed 200 mg/kg (ppm) on a dry feed basis. Another sources from Kansas State indicates that the feed is generally safe for consumption at 0-500 mg/kg dry matter, potentially toxic and should be blended at the 600-1000 mg/kg dry matter and dangerous to cattle at >1000 mg/kg dry matter. The Merck Veterinary Manual suggests that processed forages and standing plants containing <500 mg/kg dry matter are considered safe; 500-750 mg/kg dry matter is cautionary and >750 mg/kg dry matter is extremely hazardous.

What are the symptoms of prussic acid poisoning?

Reactions to prussic acid poisoning are swift and lethal. Livestock poisoned from prussic acid usually tend to die within several minutes from consumption. Symptoms include laboured breathing, staggering, excessive salivation, convulsions, collapse and death. Prussic acid poisoning diagnosis can be similar to nitrate poisoning by way of clinical signs. Differential diagnosis depends on examining the color of the blood. Livestock poisoned by nitrates will have a chocolate, dark-coloured blood sample, whereas livestock poisoned by prussic acid will have a bright red blood sample which does not clot quickly. If an animal affected by prussic acid does not die from the poisoning, it can be treated with an injection of sodium nitrates and sodium thiosulfate by a veterinarian. The sodium nitrate releases the cyanide from the haemoglobin in the blood, freeing it up to re-attach itself to the sodium thiosulfate for excretion in the urine. Livestock fortunate to receive the treatment usually recover with no further symptoms.

Can harvest and feeding management influence prussic acid levels?

There are several factors which can influence the level of prussic acid in flax. Stage of growth, crop fertilizer regime and harvest management is extremely important. When the plant is green and growing, the highest concentrations of prussic acid will be found in leaves and seeds. In the event of frost, new leaves growing on the flax will contain higher levels of free prussic acid than the more mature leaves and stems and possibly the seeds. Based on data for sorgham, another crop that can accumulate prussic acid, crops at risk will be located on fields that have soils high in nitrogen and low in phosphorus and potassium. With regards to harvest management, free prussic acid dissipates more rapidly then the prussic acid in the stems and leaves. It has been reported that proper haying and silage techniques can result in >50% of the prussic acid content dissipating due to enzyme activity and release of free cyanide in a gas form. Also, extending the storage time of the forage should reduce the prussic acid to a safe level before being fed. It should be noted that a prussic acid test from a feed analysis laboratory would be required before allowing access to the harvested forage.

If the opportunity to swath graze is possible, producers should exercise caution particularly within several weeks post swathing/cutting. Avoid turning hungry livestock out onto the swaths for approximately one week post frost. Risk can be minimized by feeding hay or grain as it will help to dilute the amount of prussic acid content in the stomach. Low levels of prussic acid can be detoxified under these circumstances. Again, a prussic acid analysis from a feed analysis laboratory is required before attempting to swath graze a flax crop. Standing flax should NOT be considered for grazing as the act of trampling and chewing will release the cyanogenic glycoside and the ß-gycosidase enzymes, creating a toxic environment for the livestock.

Are nitrate levels a concern in feeding flax straw?
Another nutritional issue with flax is nitrate accumulation after a frost. By theory, one can minimize the threat of nitrate accumulation after a frost by allowing the plant to regrow for a period of several days to a week. This assumes that the plant has not been killed by the frost. This strategy would allow the plant to metabolize the nitrates. If the plant has been killed by the frost, the crop should be harvested as soon as possible and then sampled and tested for nitrates prior to use. Following common nitrate management recommendations is advisable. If nitrate content is deemed to be a concern, a nitrate analysis by a feed analysis laboratory is recommended.

Final Decision
The cutting of green flax requires some decision making. First, consideration must be given to the current feed availability. Second, the level of crop maturity needs to be assessed. Early stages of growth (prior to bolling) may be very nutritious, while later stages may become too fibrous to be of practical use. While green flax is nutritionally comparable to canola hay, harvesting the flax when green may be hard on the cutting equipment and may require crimping to help the crop dry down enough for baling/harvesting. Third, the nitrate and prussic acid issues need to be considered as it may force the blending of the feed. And finally, processing the feed with a bale processor or feeding it as silage may be necessary to minimize wasting by the livestock.

For more information, please contact the Agriculture Knowledge Centre
at 1-866-457-2377.

1. Kansas State Forage Facts: Prussic Acid Poisoning
2. The Merck Veterinary Manual, 1991.
4. Natural Toxicants in Feeds, Forages and Poisonous Plants. P.R. Cheeke, 1998. 2nd Edition. pp 279-281.
5. Clinical and Diagnostic Veterinary Toxicology, G.D. Osweiler et al, 1985, 3rd Edition, pp 455-458.

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