Government of Saskatchewan Western Red Lilies
Financial Services Commission
   Securities Division


General Ruling/Order 31-902 Saskatchewan Small Business Security Issuers Amended

 On June 8, 2006 the Director of the Commission’s Securities Division amended General Ruling/Order Saskatchewan Small Business Security Issuers (“GRO 31-902”) to repeal the provision that restricted Saskatchewan Small Business to raising less than $10 million in an offering.

GRO 31-902 waives some of the requirements under The Securities Regulations for Saskatchewan Small Businesses seeking to be registered as securities issuers to sell their own securities, and imposes other restrictions.  In GRO 31-902 Saskatchewan Small Businesses are issuers that are based in Saskatchewan.

One of the restrictions imposed under GRO 31-902 is that Saskatchewan Small Businesses must raise less than $10 million.  The Commission and the Director have determined that the restriction is no longer necessary, and GRO 31-902 has been amended to remove it. 

Dated June 8, 2006


Barbara Shourounis
Director, Securities Division
Phone:  (306) 787-5842