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Financial Services Commission
   Securities Division



The Securities Amendment Act, 2005 comes into force on June 1, 2006

The Securities Amendment Act, 2005  will come into force on June 1, 2006.  The following are the provisions of the amendment act:

Passport provisions
New Part XIX.1 is added to give the Commission new powers to implement the passport system of securities regulation.  These include: 

·         The power to delegate and accept a delegation in new section 147.2;

·         The power to adopt or incorporate the laws of another jurisdiction in new section 147.4;

·         The power to grant exemptions based on the fact that an issuer or trade is in compliance with the laws of another jurisdiction in new sections 147.41 and 147.42;

·         The power to adopt decisions of other jurisdictions in new section 147.5.    

The definition of “Saskatchewan securities laws” in clause 2(1)(rr.1) is amended to include extra-provincial securities laws adopted or incorporated pursuant to section 147.4.

NI 81-106 Investment Fund Continuous Disclosure
New definitions are added, and existing definitions are amended or repealed to align
provisions in the Act with new National Instrument 81-106 Investment Fund Continuous Disclosure

·         A new definition of “investment fund” in clause 2(1)(w.1);

·         A new definition of “investment fund manager” in clause 2(1)(w.2);

·         An amended definition of “material change” in clause 2(1)(y) to differentiate between regular issuers and investment funds;

·        An amended definition of “material fact” in clause 2(1)(z) to differentiate between regular issuers and investment funds;

·         An amended definition of “mutual fund” in clause 2(1)(dd);

·         A new definition of “non-redeemable investment fund” in clause 2(1)(ee.1);

·       The definition of “private mutual fund” in clause 2(1)(kk) is repealed because is it no longer used in the Act.

National Instrument 45-106 Prospectus and Registration Exemptions
The amendment act contains a series of amendments that reflect the implementation of National Instrument 45-106 Prospectus and Registration Exemptions including:

·         A new definition of “offering memorandum” in clause 2(1)(ff).  Pursuant subclause 2(1)(ff)(ii), an offering memorandum does not include a document specified by the Director.  We are developing Staff Notice 45-706 Documents Specified Not to be Offering Memorandums.  It will set out the documents or types of documents the Director specifies not to be offering memoranda.  We will publish the staff notice before June 1, 2006.

·         Repeal of the registration and prospectus exemptions in sections 38, 39, 39.1, 81 and 82;

·         Amendments to provisions that refer to the registration and prospectus exemptions in sections 38, 39, 39.1, 81 and 82;

·         Repeal of the exemption for prospecting syndicates in section 57; and

·         Amendments to provisions in sections 80.1, 80.3 and 80.4 that relate to the filing, delivery and amendments of offering memoranda. 

Enforcement powers
Amendments to the following the enforcement provisions:

·       Section 55.1 to replace “person” with “person or company”;

·       Expanding the Commission’s power to order payment of an administrative penalty under section 135.1 to situations where a person or company has failed to comply with an undertaking to the Commission or Director;

·       An amendment to subsection 135.1(4) so that where the Commission makes an order to pay an administrative penalty against a person or company under section 135.1, it may also make an order against any director, officer or other person who was involved in the failure to comply with Saskatchewan securities laws; and 

An amendment to section 161 so that where the Commission makes an order against a person or company to pay costs, the Commission may also make an order to pay costs against any director, officer or other person who was involved in the failure to comply with the provisions of Saskatchewan securities laws.

Regulation-making heads of power
Subsection 154(1) is amended to add the following regulation-making heads of power:

·       clause (t.1) designating issuers or classes of issuers as reporting issuers;

·       clause (ee.6) requiring evaluations of reporting issuers’ internal controls over financial reporting; and

·       clauses (ff.1) to (ff.7) new powers related to the passport provisions in new Part XIX.1.

amendment act also includes the following amendments:

·      An amendment to the definition of “reporting issuer in clause 2(1)(qq).  Subclause (v) is amended to refer to issuers “whose existence continues following the exchange of securities of an issuer in connection with an amalgamation, merger, reorganization, arrangement, statutory procedure or similar transaction if one of the issuers participating in the transaction is a reporting issuer”.

 New subclause (v) replaces current subclause (v) that refers to an issuer “that is an issuer that is involved in, formed for, results from or continues following an amalgamation, merger . . . “

·       New section 11.1 giving the Commission the power to make an order designating certain matters including designating an issuer to be a reporting issuer; and

·       Amending section 13 so that a person appointed to conduct an investigation under section 12 must make a report to the Commission upon the Commission's request.

We will repeal Local Instrument 11-502 Removal of Statutory Exemptions.  LI 11-502 came into force on September 14, 2005.  LI 11-502 removed the prospectus and registration exemptions in sections 38, 39, 39.1, 81 and 82 because they were replaced by NI 45-106 Prospectus and Registration Exemptions.  LI 11-502 is no longer required because sections 38, 39 and 82 are repealed from  the Act.

GRO 52-904 Certain Issuers Ceasing to be Reporting Issuers in Reorganizations and Take-over Bids will also be repealed on June 1, 2006.  GRO 52-904 grants an order pursuant to section 92 of the Act that an issuer that becomes a reporting issuer under clause 2(1)(qq)(v) when it files a securities exchange take-over bid or is involved in a reorganization, ceases to be a reporting issuer if it is a wholly owned subsidiary of another issuer or has no securities that are held by the public.  The exemption in GRO 52-904 is no longer required because of the amendment to subclause 2(1)(qq)(v) in the definition of reporting issuer.  Subclause 2(1)(qq)(v) has been restricted to issuers “whose existence continues following the exchange of securities of an issuer in connection with an amalgamation, merger, reorganization, arrangement, statutory procedure or similar transaction if one of the issuers participating in the transaction is a reporting issuer”. 

 May 3, 2006


Barbara Shourounis 
Director, Securities Division
(306) 787-5842





Dated March 8, 2005.