Government of Saskatchewan Western Red Lilies


Related Sites

    Provincial Sites
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    Canadian Executive Council Offices
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Provincial Sites

Canadian Plains Research Center
City of Regina
City of Saskatoon
Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations
Saskatchewan Indian Federated College
University of Saskatchewan
University of Regina

National Sites

Canadiana: The Canadian Resource Page
Canadian Agriculture and Agri-Food Directory
Canadian Education on the Web
Canadian Information By Subject
Council of Ministers of Education
Debates in the House of Commons
Farm Credit Corporation
Index of Canadian Universities
Industry Canada's Strategis
News Central
Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration

International Sites

Governments on the WWW
Electronic Resources Around the World

Canadian Executive Council Offices

Government of Canada
Government of Alberta
Government of British Columbia
Government of Manitoba
Government of New Brunswick
Government of Newfoundland and Labrador
Government of Northwest Territories
Government of Nova Scotia
Government of Nunavut
Government of Ontario
Government of Prince Edward Island
Government of Quebec (French only)
Government of Yukon

Public Policy Sites

Canada West Foundation
Canadian Policy Research Network
Directory of Canadian Public Policy Institutes on the Internet
C. D. Howe Institute
Center for the Study of Agriculture, Law and the Environment (University of Saskatchewan)
Institute for Research on Public Policy
Institute of Public Administration of Canada
Saskatchewan Institute of Public Policy

Who Does What
Telephone Book
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Cabinet Ministers
Contact Information
Programs and Services
News Releases
Throne Speeches
Organizational Chart
Government Structure
Related Sites

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© 2000
Government of Saskatchewan
Last updated: December 06, 2006


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