The ITO - Leadership and Service Excellence

Minister's Advisory Council

Key Initiatives

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  Government of Saskatchewan


The Information Technology Office (ITO) is responsible for setting government-wide policies and standards in IT infrastructure, IT support services, security, telecommunications and citizen service delivery. Operating under the direction of the Chief Information and Services Officer, the ITO is also leading the government’s internal IT services consolidation initiative.

The ITO’s activities can be grouped into four main areas, focussed on its vision of leadership and service excellence in the delivery of government services and programs:

  • Providing IT services to government
  • Developing government-wide IT policies and plans
  • Delivering IT governance and coordination within government
  • Creating a climate that fosters a prosperous IT industry in Saskatchewan

    Performance Plans
    Annual Reports
    News Releases

    ITO Publications Centre
    PSC Career Centre

If you have questions or are having technical problems, please contact us.

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© 2006
Government of Saskatchewan
Last Updated:

Copyright Information

Based in Regina, Saskatoon, Prince Albert, Swift Current, Yorkton, and Meadow Lake, the ITO has over 185 FTE employees, with the largest percentage involved in delivering IT services to various government departments and agencies. ITO currently provides IT services to more than 5,300 government employees in 16 departments and agencies. These numbers are expected to increase over the coming year with the IT staff of "partner departments" being transferred to the ITO as a result of the government IT consolidation initiative.

We invite you to visit the various links and sections of this Web site to find out more about the ITO, its operations, and its efforts to assist all government departments in providing quality, efficient services to Saskatchewan citizens.