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Credit Transfer (CT)

Credit Transfer (CT) is defined as the process by which credit is granted towards a credential by one institution for programs or courses previously completed at a recognized institution. The granting of credit is based on the evaluation of equivalencies of subject matter. Currently, credit transfer information is primarily available through contacting individual institutions and/or viewing specified listings in their calendars.

Credit transfer processes may be applied when a person has completed courses or programs and would like to request credit at another educational institution (see Section 2.6 of the RPL Referral Guide).


Council of Ministers of Education, Canada
“CMEC is the national voice for education in Canada. It is the mechanism through which ministers consult and act on matters of mutual interest, and the instrument through which they consult and cooperate with national education organizations and the federal government.” (CMEC Web Site)

Ministerial Statement on Credit Transfer in Canada

Provincial Postsecondary Systems and Arrangements for Credit Transfer