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Saskatchewan Learning Prior Learning Assessment & Recognition (PLAR) Enhancement Funding Initiative


If you are considering using PLAR to address learning recognition needs, the Progress Report and Final Report of the Saskatchewan Learning PLAR Enhancement Funding Initiative may be of interest to you.

The reports present a synopsis of 11 PLAR projects undertaken at various post-secondary institutions. They include an executive summary outlining lessons learned and best practices. The findings provide insight, from an institutional perspective, on how to effectively implement PLAR processes. In the reports, project coordinators share their stories, challenges encountered, lessons learned, and achievements.

Final Report (March 2003)

Progress Report (March 2002)


“We feel that the project objectives were met and that this initial experience with presentation portfolios was excellent. Over the course of the semester the way we understood presentation portfolios developed and evolved, as we have learned more, we can see other possibilities. This has been a good learning experience for us all.”

Project Coordinator, Final Report, 2003, p. 8-9p.


“It is important to recognize that there is a certain amount of time required to absorb the concept of PLAR, as well as the processes and tools. One can not rush the process; it takes time.”

Progress Report, 2002, p. 34


“The creation of my portfolio has helped me realize my abilities and potential. I have a multitude of skills that I never even considered skills.”

Portfolio Workshop Participant, Progress Report, 2002, p. 26