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The Saskatchewan Labour Force Development Board Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) Services Project

The PLAR Services Project is a project of the Saskatchewan Labour Force Development Board (SLFDB) with funding provided by Human Resources Development Canada and Saskatchewan Learning (formerly Saskatchewan Post-Secondary Education and Skills Training). The primary goal of the Project (October 2000 - March 2002) was to build capacity and raise awareness for the long-term delivery of PLAR services in Saskatchewan.

A variety of activities were undertaken during the course of the Project, including:

  • Delivering PLAR advisor orientations;
  • Delivering introductory portfolio development orientation sessions;
  • Working with industry to pilot occupational assessment models;
  • Supporting post-secondary institutions in the development of PLAR processes and tools; and
  • Developing the Provincial Framework for RPL in Saskatchewan.
  • The network of diverse community partners and stakeholders involved in the Project’s activities contributed greatly to improving the learning recognition system in Saskatchewan.


    Additional resources and information can be found on the SLFDB Web Site, including:

    • A presentation by Ray Ivany of the Nova Scotia Community College (NSCC), on Portfolio Learning: The NSCC Story
    • Presentations from the National Best Practices Workshop on Building Community Capacity to Recognize Learning (October 23-24, 2002, Crowbush Resort, Prince Edward Island).
    • Information and resources on Workplace Essential Skills