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Age Verification

Frequently Asked Questions

Saskatchewan cattle producers, are you marketing calves in the fall of 2006?

 The Government of Saskatchewan, the Saskatchewan Stock Growers Association and the Saskatchewan Cattle Feeders Association are encouraging industry to age verify the 2006 calf crop. 

 The Government of Alberta has proposed mandatory age verification beginning April 1, 2007, for all cattle under 30 months of age to be slaughtered in Alberta. 

 The majority of Saskatchewan cattle are marketed into Alberta.  In 2005, more than 65 per cent of Saskatchewan’s feeder cattle and 75 per cent of Saskatchewan’s fed cattle were moved into Alberta. 

 By verifying the age of calves prior to marketing this fall, producers are ensuring that their animals are eligible for all markets as they move through the beef production chain. 

 Age verification is about producers capitalizing on market opportunities.  Age verification is to producers’ benefit.

To register your calves, see the Canadian Cattle Identification Agency (CCIA) website at

For information, phone the CCIA, toll free, at 1-877-909-BEEF (2333).

 For more information, phone the Agriculture Knowledge Centre, toll free, at 1-866-457-2377. 


Producers can assign a Third Party to submit the age verification information to the CCIA. 
See the CCIA website for details at 

Producers may want to check their local public libraries for the availability of high-speed Internet access and Excel spreadsheet software.


Table of Contents

Frequently Asked Questions

 What is age verification?

Age verification is an effective way of proving the age of animals. Age verification is the association of animal birth date data with the Canadian Cattle Identification Agency (CCIA) Animal Identification Number (Single Tag or Tag Group).  This method is an internationally recognized Age Verification Process.  This voluntary program enables producers to store information and have it readily available should it be required by domestic or export markets.

Why is age verification important to cattle producers?

Age verification through the Canadian Cattle Identification Agency (CCIA) is recognized by Canada’s export trading partners as the preferred method to identify cattle/beef product that fits the under 30-months-of-age category for United States’ markets and under 21-months-of-age category for Japanese markets. 

The Government of Alberta has proposed mandatory age verification for all cattle under 30 months of age to be slaughtered in Alberta beginning April 1, 2007.

What are the benefits of age verification for producers?

Age verification is about producers capitalizing on market opportunities.  It will help producers to maintain and re-establish global markets.  It will help to market cattle domestically and globally, and will ensure that producers have all the possible marketing options available.

Is age verification mandatory in Saskatchewan?

No.  Age verification is not mandatory in Saskatchewan.  Voluntary age verification is fully supported by both government and industry in Saskatchewan.

What if I don’t have Internet access?

Producers who do not have Internet access can use Internet services at public libraries, or they can make private arrangements with persons who do have Internet access.

When a producer chooses to assign a Third Party to submit birth date information on the producer’s behalf, then the producer and the Third Party must complete a Third Party User Application.

For information about a Third Party Agreement and a copy of the application form, phone the CCIA at 1-877-909-2333.

Is there a deadline for when my animals have to be age verified?

Animals may be age verified anytime after they are born and tagged.  It is in a producer’s best interest to age verify calves before they are marketed.

Where can I get more information?

For more information, phone the CCIA at 1-877-909-2333 or see the website at  To view the resource tools, see

3085 Albert Street, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada S4S 0B1
Phone: (306) 787-5140
© 2000 Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food.